Audacious Chilean police officers rescue a homeless puppy about to drown

The event takes place in a community called Vizcachas, where without knowing the risk he was running, a puppy decides to go to a river to quench his thirst without suspecting that something bad could happen.

It seems that the flow of the river grows surprisingly and drags the puppy down the river, which, despite the fact that it resisted, would end up trapped by the current. Neighbors, realizing this fact, request the help of the authorities , some believing that nothing could be done, others that they were not going to pay attention.


To the surprise of many, a patrol responds to the call, beginning the search for alternatives to be able to rescue the puppy, who, if more time passes, could suffer damage from rocks and some logs carried by the river or simply drown.


The history of the canine begins to improve

After tracking the puppy through the river channel, it is thought of catching it in an area that was semi-paved. There, one of the policemen who risks his life descending with the help of a mountaineering team, manages to intercept the lucky puppy.



The river and the current were not the only problems, it was also the reaction that the puppy could have due to the stress it was going through. Fortunately, the puppy remained calm, letting him take it, tie a lifeline to it and then pull and push it until it was out of danger.

Thanks to the expertise of the carabinieri, the story of this puppy came to fruition. We should also thank the person who made the video recording for being able to show that many people today take for granted that animals living on the street do not have the same rights to life as any other being.



The puppy hopes to be more fortunate and find someone who wishes to adopt him and rescue him from the river of solitude where he is still shipwrecked. Although he is being cared for and protected in a shelter, he still needs a home where he can feel part of a family in which he can give and receive all the love that he so badly needs.





Woman adopts a blind puppy and her other dog becomes her guide dog and best friend

Many know that the dog is considered man’s best friend, but in the case of the same dogs, they are his best friends. Well, when two dogs manage to establish a bond, they will always count on each other to protect and guide themselves.

A 27-year-old named Jess witnessed two dogs grow into best friends, bonded by the need to help each other. It all started when the young woman decided to adopt a blind dog from the shelter where she worked. Because of her incapacity, the families that visited the place in search of a pet did not pay attention to her.


The puppy was named Amos and his personality was quite friendly, but this still made Jess uneasy. Well, at home she had another dog that she had adopted long ago, named Toby, who had not learned to socialize with other pets, since he had been adopted from a kennel.

When he introduced them, his dog Toby’s reaction was as expected, and he growled a few times at Amos, as he liked having his own space and now he would have to share it. However, this initial tantrum only lasted a couple of days, because before Jess knew it, Toby was helping Amos out.



Poor Amos was having a hard time finding enough food and water in his new home. But Toby did not turn a blind eye to the difficulties that his dog companion was going through, so he approached him and guided him to where he found what he was looking for.

This scenario was repeated one day when Jess went out with both dogs for a walk. While Toby led the way and was quite confident, Amos took care of the steps he took so as not to stumble, even stopping at times. When this happened, Toby would lie down next to him until Amos felt he could continue.



Since then, Toby has become Amos’ guide in every way. He accompanies him on walks in parks and helps locate himself within spaces, also protecting him when other dogs approach and Amos feels threatened by them.



Because Jess became sensitive to the situation Amos was going through, not only did Amos’s life change, but also her other dog, Toby, and even herself. Proving that even with a disability, the happy moments and the ability to love of these animals only multiply.





Smart and helpful cat helped a woman recover her keys that fell into a hole

Pets are capable of providing people with much more than just company, because with their occurrences they can not only amuse humans, but they can be very helpful when necessary. Of course, if the pet is encouraged to do so.

That’s how a kitten with jet black fur decided to intervene to help a neighbor in distress. A woman named Luh Meira was enjoying a sunny afternoon outside her apartment in the company of her little son, who was innocently playing with the keys to the home.


The little boy, ignorant of the consequences of what he was about to do, decided to drop the keys into a cinder block hole in a nearby small wall, thinking it would be fun. But upon realizing the situation, both Mrs. Luh and the little boy tried to get the keys without being able to.

Everything indicated that they would have to spend the rest of the afternoon outside their home while they found a solution, but the woman did not give up and decided to use a thin stick that she had collected to make her attempts more efficient. But far from achieving it, what she did was attract the attention of a beautiful black cat that was also in the garden.



The cat seemed to be attracted by the movement of the stick in the woman’s hands when trying to get the keys out of the hole, so it jumped on it to nibble on it. Luh recognized the black cat as the pet of one of his neighbors, who named his pet “Panther.” So she tried to push him away, but the cat seemed determined to play for a while.

However, soon the curious Panther realized that there was a strange object in the hole in the block, so he decided to direct all his attention to it. Being quite an agile cat, it didn’t take long for him to get the keys out with hardly any effort, leaving Luh quite surprised.



In fact, when the woman realized the cat’s intentions, she did not hesitate to capture the event on video. Well, according to what she declared later, even though at first she believed that the animal was just playing, when she realized what was happening she had to record it, because she knew otherwise no one would believe her.



The event took place in a city in Brazil, and the images soon went viral, not only in this region, but around the world. Thanks to the intervention of the cat, Luh and her son were able to enter the house again without major setbacks. In addition, Pantera has earned a faithful friend and the admiration of the entire internet.



This kitten visits the grave of the dog who adopted her and cared for her as her own daughter every day

A person’s pets are capable of developing attachment to each other, regardless of the species to which each one belongs. Well, although it is believed that dogs and cats cannot live together much, it could be said that the love for their human parents invites them to love each other.

A story quite similar to this scenario was lived by a man named Nadir Rodigues for several years. This man, a resident of a town in São Paulo, Brazil, witnessed firsthand how cats and dogs are capable of loving each other unconditionally.


It all started when she adopted a dog that she named Naná, which she kept under her care for several years until she decided to adopt kittens to accompany her. Both the kittens and the dog managed to get along quite well.

But it was the adoption of a little kitten that made an even more radical change in the behavior that dogs and cats are believed to have. When Nadir adopted this feline, she was barely a couple of months old, and she already had eight other really adorable cats in her home.



For dog Naná, the addition of this kitty to the family just warmed her furry heart. For some reason, the dog took the cat in as her adoptive daughter and constantly watched over her safety. Their bond grew to the point that they played together during the day and took long naps together when they were exhausted.

Despite the fact that the happiness of everyone at home was quite overflowing, some bad news changed the whole panorama, since Naná’s state of health was deteriorating rapidly and there was little to do. It didn’t take long for Naná to pass away and leave Nadir and her kittens devastated with her departure.

Although for none of them the pain was something bearable, for the little kitten that Naná had welcomed as her daughter it meant an irremediable loss. It is no secret to anyone that animals are capable of feeling the losses of other pets or people who are quite close to them, and that they also suffer as a result.



Since Naná passed away, there was not a day that the little cat did not go to lie down on the place where Nadir had buried the dog. It was as if the cat knew that the body of the dog that she gave her so much affection for a long time lay there.

The news went viral on the internet and condolence messages for both the kitten and Nadir were not long in coming. Now the nine kittens and their adoptive father are facing the situation, remembering that the most important thing is what they have experienced.



Worker discovers in time a tiny kitten trapped in the engine of his excavator

A man named Matt was doing a construction project for his job when he noticed the faint meowing of a feline. He decided to stop all the machines and excavators on the project to identify the source of the sound.

Indeed, inside the engines of one of the excavators, he found a very small cat, just a few days old. Although he was not the only cat found in these conditions, he was the only survivor, so Matt had to disarm part of the excavator’s plates to free the animal.


With the intention of ensuring the cat’s integrity, Matt took the kitten to his sister Amy for help, since his experience with baby cats in risky conditions was almost nil and he wanted to help the kitten survive.


As Amy herself declared on her social networks, Matt brought the kitten wrapped in a jacket to keep her warm. The cat was named Max, and the veterinary diagnosis revealed that he was just a few days old and weighed 70 grams; very little even for a kitten his age.



On top of this, the feline still had its umbilical cord attached to its body and although Matt expected the cat’s feline mother to show up at the construction site, this never happened.

To take care of Max, Amy cleaned him carefully with cotton balls, to remove from the cat’s fur the grease and oil that had soaked into his body during his stay in the bulldozer’s engine. In addition, the little kitten had suffered slight burns around its face and on its front legs.



During the first day of Max’s care, Amy says that she was not separated from him for a second and that she constantly showered him with cuddles. Actually, the woman was quite worried, as the cat was very small and the chances of it surviving were slim.

However, Max clung on very tightly to life and it didn’t take long for him to gain more weight. When he opened his eyes, he set about exploring every corner of the house, chasing after Amy to snuggle with her and take naps from her. Well, upon discovering the comfort of the human bed, Max did not want to sleep anywhere else.



Now Max has grown into a really lovely young orange tabby kitten. Thanks to the intervention of Matt and his sister Amy, this kitty finds himself living a life full of love and cuddles.




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Cat returns to the home it abandoned two years ago after the death of its owner

A feline that had had to go through situations of all kinds in the abandonment of the streets, frequently approached, although suspiciously, the sill in the kitchen window of a house. Inside there was a subject and his cat, named Season, who curiously looked at the other cat.

It didn’t take long for the man to grant him access to the visiting kitten, who only had three legs and had also lost half of his tail. Despite this, the cat was quite friendly and managed to get along very well with Season, spending hours playing together, but the visiting kitten always returned to the street.


In a short time, the family of that subject decided to formalize the kitten’s welcome home. So he soon had his own place to sleep, his plate of food, and his own name, Bubby. The cat accepted the welcome delightedly, but since he had developed wild abilities, he always returned to the street.


Everything changed when the man who had reached out to the cat passed away in 2017. Bubby had not returned home in a few days, and that man’s family did everything they could to find the cat before leaving the house, but it was in vain.



It was not until two years later, in 2019, that a neighbor claimed to have seen him enter the home, as he remembered that his friend was taking care of that peculiar three-legged orange feline.

The house where Bubby had once been given a new home was owned by other people. So the neighbor, Ray Pinsent, contacted the owner of the place so that when the cat returned she would let him in and let him know.



A couple of months after his request, the woman informed him that the cat was in the kitchen, poor Bubby was quite emaciated. It seemed life on the streets had been very hard on him and it was unlikely that he would survive much longer. Ray Pinsent picked the kitten up off the floor and rushed him to the vet immediately.

It was there that the story of the feline was revealed, as the daughter of the man who helped Bubby for the first time came to tell all about it. She even brought Bubby’s food dishes with her so that she would be more comfortable at the Exploits Valley SPCA Adoptables rescue center.



A volunteer at the care center, named Sarah MacLeod, couldn’t help but be moved by the kitten’s story and decided to take it home to provide care and adapt it to a more familiar environment. But what would be temporary care ended up becoming a permanent adoption. Now Bubby can be loved, as she was the first time, forever.




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A woman pretends to be injured so she can rescue a stray dog

When pets are abandoned on the streets, they have to face life-threatening scenarios that make them lose trust in people. Many of these pets must go through a rather complex process to regain their trust in people.

An innocent little dog had to face the harshness of his fate of abandonment all alone. The animal was left to fend for itself on the streets with its former family not caring at all about its ability to adapt and survive.


The reason why the animal was abandoned is unknown, since in some cases it is due to the sick pet reaching an advanced age, but this was not the case with this dog. In any case, fortunately for the dog, a young couple who came across the puppy couldn’t help but intervene to give the animal a second chance.

Despite the fact that his intention was quite good, the puppy was oblivious to what this couple intended to do and moved away with considerable impetus from any attempt to get closer to these people. But these youngsters were far from giving up on the dog.



For Amanda Guarascia and Dylan Parkinson, helping this animal had become a common goal. They had come across the dog while walking around the town where they live, and surprised by the dog’s emaciated appearance, they knew they had to intervene.

The little dog, who was quite skinny and obviously hungry, was quite strong-willed. Well, despite the fact that the couple brought him food and water, he refused to receive help for fear that it was a trap.



After many attempts, the young people believed that all was lost, but Amanda came up with the idea of ​​bringing out the sensitive side of the pet. Pretending that she was injured, the woman stretched out on the ground, her back to the dog, and crawled closer.



The dog, intrigued, did not move away, but approached her with a protective instinct to assess her condition, so Amanda took the opportunity to surround the dog and proceed to load it. This is how the couple managed to help the animal, transferring it to a rescue center where they gave it the necessary care.



After a while, the dog was adopted by a new family, who named it Bear. Now the adorable canine has managed to find a new home with people who love him, thanks to the intervention of selfless young people who went out of their way to lend him a helping hand.



Kitten only 4 weeks old is rescued from a fire and adopted by the vet who took care of her

In Las Vegas, a kitten was rescued from a dumpster fire. According to the preliminary tests, the cat was burned alive, but fortunately, Animal Protection arrived on time and they were able to save her. The animal had third degree burns.

Immediately upon encountering this scene, Animal Protection was able to urgently send her to the Foundation, where they treated her for her leg injuries, which they had to bandage.

She couldn’t move, because her pads were battered. In addition, she had her whiskers and fur burned, and third-degree burns on her ears and tail.


She was a very small kitten, she was only four weeks old and her body temperature was low. She was put in the incubator to regulate and finish her growth stage. The foundation financed all treatment at the Pet Health hospital.

With all the treatment and care the cat gradually recovered, although due to the severity of the burns they left some scars.

Adopted by her caretaker

Once healthy, the cat was ready to be adopted by a loving owner, but the veterinarian who cared for her and healed her injuries at the hospital volunteered for Savannah’s adoption.



After spending so much time caring for her, vet Alex Reyes immediately took a liking to Savannah. In addition, he comments that the most moving and inspiring thing was that Savannah was brave despite everything.

The doctor also comments that Savannah was very sweet, with all her scars she was adorable and she deserves to have a life full of love and happiness, and it is something that he can give her.




In fact, Dr. Reyes commented that her half ears and bald nose make her totally unique and different, and that is what makes her the prettiest cat.

Fortunately, Savannah is in much better health right now. She has the assistance of the veterinarian Reyes, who gently cleans her wounds to prevent her from suffering pain and, in addition, is now her adoptive father. He paints a good life for Savannah alongside Reyes.



Although the event of the fire must have been somewhat traumatic, it unexpectedly resulted in an opportunity to start a new life, with love and care little by little the tragic will remain in the past.


Old, grumpy and antisocial cat, becomes the most tender and affectionate thanks to a kitten that came into his life

An organization that specializes in rescuing and giving stray animals a better life once found an elderly cat. It all happened when a woman made a call to Cats Of San Bernardino . There she explained that there was a cat which had been wandering where he lived for about a year and that the last time she saw him a little sick.

When the workers arrived, they could tell that this was not a wild cat, but rather a domesticated one. They came to the conclusion that someone forgot it when they moved. The cat had no problem with anyone touching him, although he was a bit ill and was missing much of his facial fur.


Due to the state he was in, it was easily noticeable that he had not received any care for a long time. On the other hand, he was sick and was in a state of depression , perhaps because he had been abandoned. But this was not a problem, since thanks to the fact that he received good treatment, he recovered his good appearance.

However, despite the fact that he had already recovered his health and appearance, he was still very reserved and did not associate with any of the other cats around him. But all that took a big turn since Phoenix met Ruby, which she was very delicate because she was a small kitten and she didn’t want to feed on her.



Thanks to Ruby starting to eat well and recovering, she was able to meet Phoenix. Although at first it was not easy for the little kitten to establish a relationship with the old cat, since he did not respond to Ruby ‘s attempts to play . But this situation gradually changed thanks to the feline’s insistence.

In the video uploaded to YouTube by The Dodo you can see how happy this couple of cats are that seem more like a father with his kitten .



Between games and pampering, these two make the days better. When it comes to cats, the term of confidence at an old age is very difficult to reach, but in this case it was the exception.



Thanks to the great work they have done at the Cats Of San Bernardino shelter with Ruby and Phoenix, they will be adopted, but together so that they can continue living together and enjoying their great friendship .


Little dog did not get tired of asking for help to rescue his brother fallen in a hole, he never abandoned him

Friendship is not a unique quality of the human being, as there is increasing evidence that even animals are capable of feeling empathy for each other; accompanying each other in difficult moments. This is a story that remembers how friends are by your side when you need them, regardless of the setting.

It all started when a young man named Willians Mollo Flores was walking his dog as usual. During the night, while they were making their usual route, the young man’s dog began to deviate from the route, pulling quite vigorously in an unusual direction.


Intrigued by his pet’s attitude, the young man decided to follow the direction his dog was pointing with so much interest and they ended up arriving at an old construction site. The place seemed abandoned, but when he paid more attention, he noticed the presence of an abandoned puppy that howled as if asking for help.

Despite his initial surprise, when Willians got closer, he realized that the little dog was not asking for help for him, but for another dog that had fallen into a fairly deep hole in the ground.



Although at first she didn’t know how to react, she decided to calm down for a moment and assess her possibilities. Afterward, he wasted no time in calling a local rescue center and making sure to give verbatim directions to the site’s location.

But in the meantime, Willians decided to go back home to get some food and water for the puppies that his pet had found; for it was evident that both were very weak. Back, he also took advantage of looking for a rope to get into the hole and get the dog out safe and sound.



When he got it out, he ran over to the other little dog to lick it and jump around it, as if appreciative of his attempts to attract attention to that extent. It took nearly four hours for rescuers to arrive, but in that time both cubs ate and drank from Williams’ supplies.

The rescuer sent, Valeska Torres, stated that after picking up the puppies, she took them home to protect them from the cold. She remembers that she saw them so close that she did not want to separate them, and at the shelter they were likely to find separate homes.



To avoid a cruel fate for the puppies, Valeska decided to adopt them and give them all the love she can give. Ángel and Salvador, as the dogs were baptized, do not stop hugging, caring for and watching over each other, while Valeska watches over them both.