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His vibrant, stunning good looks, and impressive fan, make him one of the most stunning members of his species.


Photo Courtesy of Instagram/birdsonearth

The red-fan parrot (Deroptyus accipitrinus), also known as the hawk-headed parrot, is an unusual New World parrot. This parrot is known for its striking elongated neck feathers that can be raised at will to form an impressive, highly elaborate neck fan, increasing the bird’s apparent size to any would-be attackers. They are generally green in color, with brown lores and cheeks, possessing whiteish streaking. Elongated nape feathers and underparts are dark red with blue edging.

Photo Courtesy of Instagram/birdsonearth

Their under-tail feathers and flight feathers are greyish-black. Their feet are grey.

Related Reading:

When it comes to contrasting avian royalty she wears a crown of iridescent blue while he wears a crown of fiery gold making them the perfect couple.

Males and females are almost identical and virtually indistinguishable from one another.

Photo Courtesy of Bobby / CC BY 2.0

These birds are endemic to much of South America, particularly in the Amazon Basin, from the Guanas and the eastern part of northern Brazil. Their range continues westwards to southeastern Colombia, northeastern Peru, and southern Venezuela.

Photo Courtesy of Instagram/dustinchen0728

Red-fan parrots prefer to live amongst forest and or savannah woodland up to an altitude of 400 meters. They avoid flooded areas and cleared woodland.

Photo Courtesy of Instagram/gt_the_hawkheaded_parrot

This parrot likes to feed in canopy fruits, seeds, flowers, and nuts, as well as other vegetable matter. They especially like palm fruits and guava.

Photo Courtesy of Instagram/brunnoesa

In the wild the breeding season is from November to April, Red-fan parrots like to nest in abandoned woodpecker holes. Preferring to be about 10 meters above the ground. A clutch of 2 to 3 eggs is laid within and incubated for about 28 days. Young become fledged in about 9 to 10 weeks from hatching.

Photo Courtesy of Instagram/ohmygoat1

Red-fan parrots are a threatened species, mainly to the caged bird trade, along with habitat destruction due to deforestation.

Photo Courtesy of Instagram/danieljduany


H/T Wikipedia – Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License.

Not Only The Smallest He Is Also Said To Be The Most Colorful, Making Him A Stunning, Multi-faceted, Living Gem!

Please SHARE this video with all your bird-loving friends and family.

Top 10 Moringa Benefits You Didn’t Know About

Moringa is one of the most potent trees, and people have relied on it since the beginning of time to cure a variety of ailments and to help prevent common illnesses.

Have you ever had the pleasure of using Moringa? The mysterious plant has been used from the beginning of time. People use every aspect of the plant that includes its leaves, flowers, and seeds and bark. Moringa is nutrient-rich and has numerous benefits.

  • Did you know that the Moringa is 7 times greater Vitamin C than oranges? It is 10 times higher in Vitamin A than freshly cut carrots, and nearly 17 times as much calcium in organic milk. Actually, the moringa plant increases 9x in protein over yoghurt and 25 % more potassium than bananas and 25 times more iron than spinach.
  • Moringa leaves are loaded with beta-carotene and protein, vitamin C amino acids, calcium, antioxidants, and potassium.
  • Moringa can extend the shelf-life of fat-rich foods because of its high concentration of phenolics, carotenoids and ascorbic acid and flavonoids.

Often referred to as a drumstick or benzoyl tree, the moringa plant is found in sub-Himalayan areas that include India, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Bangladesh. It is common in a few tropical countries too. Nowadays, you can purchase moringa leaf powder extracts, capsules and capsules, moringa-supplemented teas and more.

Do you not know how to make use of it? Include moringa leaf powder in your smoothie of the day. You can also sip moringa tea.

Here are the health benefits of the moringa plant:

1. Brain health

The Moringa leaf extract is an amazing aid in the brain. It’s a rich source of nutrients C as well as E and aids the body to neutralize the oxidative stress that is that is a common occurrence in Alzheimer’s disease.

2. Mild laxative

Extracts of Moringa leaves are the ideal solution to your problems with bowel movements. It reduces constipation as well as reducing the time to defecate. A study of mice found that this extract improves the amount of feces that is discarded and adds bulk. However, it is important to be cautious.

Consuming huge amounts of moringa leaf extract can make you stay inside the toilet for an extremely long period of time.

3. Anticancer

The extract of the moringa leaf contains high quantities of flavonoids, phenolics ascorbic acid that provide an outstanding antioxidant boost. Moringa helps to reduce the damage caused by free radicals.

According to research that have been conducted, the extract of moringa leaf can reduce the oxidative DNA damage, giving the body energy as well as a shorter age. Additionally, you’ll be at less risk of developing cancer.

4. Skin smooth and glowing

Moringa has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-microbial and anti-bacterial properties. It is a component of numerous skincare products due to its ability to prevent fungal and bacterial infections. Moringa revives and rejuvenates skin.

Vitamin B is an humectant that draws in water to the skin when it is applied topically.

5. Motherhood

One kilogram of leaves from moringa meet the daily requirement for zinc. You require 25.5-31.03mg in this mineral each day. Zinc is essential in the development of sperm cells, and also for the production of DNA and the RNA. In the Philippines locals are using moringa as the most effective treatment for nursing and pregnant mothers.

It’s referred to as “the mothers’ best friend.” A little more than six teaspoons of powdered moringa will provide enough calcium and iron to pregnant women. Phytosterols found in moringa increase hormone production, which stimulates the mammary gland.

6. Vegetarians

Moringa is a great source of amino acids that contain 22. The body can’t make 10 of these. Moringa is a great choice for vegetarians provide them with enough protein.

7. Pure water

The aqueous seed extract of Moringa is an effective cleansing agent for water. It is commonly employed by African as well as South Asian countries. It’s a “filter” turns muddy water into drinkable liquid.

According to the experts Moringa can eliminate 99.9 percentage of the bacteria in a matter of 1 to 2 hours. This is a great discovery for countries in need.

8. Men’s sexual health

Moringa is an all-natural sexual stimulant. Traditional medicine practitioners have employed it to treat sexual dysfunction. increasing treatment. In the case of extracts from moringa seeds laboratory rats demonstrated increased sexual activity and improved erectile function.

It has demonstrated an amazing capacity to boost fertility and reproduction in male rats. It’s also an effective treatment for sexual problems. Studies have shown that moringa improved sexual function of male rats who were stressed.

9. Diabetics

Diabetics must avoid almost all sugary drinks. The moringa tea is a great option and also assists the body control its glucose levels. Moringa might not have a significant impact on those with diabetes, but it has a great effect on those with diabetes.

The results of research have revealed that diabetics had the 28.15 mg/dl decrease of blood sugar within 2 hours after drinking moringa tea. Moringa tea has demonstrated great benefits in the treatment of diabetics, and those with diabetes ought to consider including it in their routine.

10. Liver

Liver cleanses blood and aids in its metabolism to burn fat. It plays a crucial role in the body and demands your support every occasionally. Include moringa into your diet in order to avoid or lessen any damage that is already present.

Experts have tested moringa seed extract on rodents suffering from liver fibrosis in order to determine its impact. The extract slowed the progression of fibrosis within the liver tissues because of its anti-inflammatory as well as antioxidant properties.

Another study found that liver enzymes are restored back to their normal level in animals suffering from the disease. The laboratory animals were given moringa seed oil daily for 21 days.


Moringa can be beneficial, however make sure to take it in moderation. We’ve listed a few of the most frequent adverse effects associated with the moringa plant.

  • Consuming too much Moringa affects digestion. It’s a mild sedative, do you remember?
  • Moringa can also be used as an abortive drug. In male rats, Moringa boosts fertility. In females, it promotes contraceptive and abortive activity.
  • Do not combine Moringa with other blood thinners. Consult your doctor before using Moringa.
  • Do not consume Moringa if you are taking medication for diabetes as it can reduce your blood sugar levels even more.
  • Moringa can also lower blood pressure, therefore it is important to take care when you’re taking medications for high blood pressure.

Take small doses of Moringa in order to keep your body in top shape.

Meet Guianan Cock-of-the-rock, An Unmistakable Bird With Striking Bright Orange Plumage And Half-moon Crest

Bright orange is always eye-catching. When it appears on a bird’s plumage, it surely makes the bird stand out from the crowd. The gorgeous coat is unmistakable, in sunlight and darkness.

The Guianan cock-of-the-rock was luckily born with that captivating plumage. Most of its body is covered with bright orange, except for some black and white feathers on the wings and tail.

Its crest is also an orange color. But noticeably has a half-moon shape with a dark line on the edge. This spectacular feature makes name for this bird.

Like many other species, the female Guianan cock-of-the-rock is a bit duller than the male with a dark shade of brown and grey, and a smaller crest. She also has a yellow-tipped black bill that is different from the orange bill and legs of the male.

This strikingly beautiful bird is a species of cotinga, a passerine bird endemic to South America. They distribute in ancient mountains east of the Andes and north of the Amazon River, in the Guianas, and neighboring countries of Venezuela, Brazil, and Colombia.

Thanks to large habitats, the population of this bird are very stable.

They prefer living in humid forests near rocky outcrops and feed on fruit and berries. But these birds are sometimes seen eating insects.

When the breeding season begins, male Guianan cock-of-the-rock birds attract females with communal lek. After finding mates, the female builds the nest on her own. This nest is placed under a rocky overhang plastered to the rock with mud. She then lays 1-2 eggs in the nest and incubates them for about 28 days. She continues to feed the chicks until fully fledged.

If you love this gorgeous bird, just share the article with your family and friends.

Drinking Grapefruit Juice Reduces Hardening of the Arteries, Prevents Heart Diseases And Stroke

Over six hundred thousand Americans die from cardiovascular diseases each year. Furthermore, according to the centers for disease control, one American encounters a heart attack every 43 seconds.

Every person who takes the standard American diet is at risk of developing heart disease. Luckily, there are natural approaches to lower this risk, and reduce the hardening of the arteries.

Scientists have found that a glass of grapefruit juice daily cleanses the arteries and improves heart wellbeing. The phytochemicals in citrus fruits, known as flavonones promote healthier blood vessels and improve blood flow.

Another study was done by researchers at the french national institute and tested that grapefruit juice effect on the blood vessels of 48 women, 50-65 years old. The participants were divided into two groups. One of them was consuming 16 ounces of grapefruit juice daily, and the second group was taking a similar juice with no flavanones.

Researchers showed the results after 6 months, and people who drank grapefruit juice increased their cardiovascular wellbeing, while the other gathering did not encounter any notable improvement.

Grapefruit juice on its own has its unique fragrant aroma, and a bit unpleasant or harsh taste. However, it’s abundant in fiber and glycosides, so you will either love it or hate it.

Preparing this juice is surprisingly easy. In fact, you can do it at home with your slow juicer or a citrus juicer. Additionally, you can consume it raw, or add it to salads and desserts.

Here is a grapefruit juice recipe which prevents heart diseases and stroke:


  • 3 large grapefruits
  • 1 tablespoon of ginger juice
  • 4-5 mint leaves
  • 1 teaspoon honey (optional)


Wash the grapefruits, and cut them in half. Then, juice them in a juicer, and pour the drink in a glass. Grate a stump of fresh ginger, add some water and press to set up the ginger juice. Next, pour the ginger juice to a glass, and add the mint leaves. Sweeten with honey. Lastly, place it in the refrigerator for at least an hour. Enjoy!

Start consuming the juice, and reduce your blood pressure and diabetes naturally.

“Sacred White Raven” Cared For On Vancouver Island After Being Found Malnourished And Injured

This summer is an unforgettable time for the staff at North Island Wildlife Recovery Centre on Vancouver Island, Canada as they have the chance to host a really special guest: a juvenile bird that has been dubbed the “sacred white raven”. The little critter was found on the ground in the Oceanside area in May and was brought to the center by a kind citizen.

Image source: North Island Wildlife Recovery Centre

It’s such a pity that the poor raven was in really bad shape back then. It was malnourished, injured, and unsurprisingly unable to fly.

According to one of its direct caregivers – animal care technician Derek Downes, this bird isn’t a true albino. It has a little melanin so it’s a leucistic raven instead.

Image source: North Island Wildlife Recovery Centre

However, the lack of melanin still seriously affects leucistic birds’ health, especially their immune systems. They normally don’t last long in the wild.

“They’re an extremely rare mutation, well-documented in this part of the world, specifically the (Parksville Qualicum Beach) area, which is why they have been dubbed the sacred white raven,” Downes said. “They typically don’t do very well. They have compromised immune systems, so we’re really, really trying very hard with this one. We’ve learned in the past of what we can do to help it and we’re hoping with this one we’re going to have some success.”

Image source: North Island Wildlife Recovery Centre

According to Downes, his team is currently force-feeding the bird since it refuses to feed on its own. They give it plenty of antibiotics as well as needed supplements and vitamins in hope of boosting its immune system, helping the sick bird to thrive.

It’s also the first time Downes takes care of a raven and he personally thinks of this experience as “a really magical thing”. Thankfully, the lucky bird is recovering quite well under the care of Downes and his coworkers.

Image source: North Island Wildlife Recovery Centre

“The raven is progressing quite well,” he said. “It has finished its second course of antibiotics and responded fantastic to them. All the infections have cleared up at this time.”

It’s a slow process, but they still hope the white raven will be strong enough to come back to its natural habitat soon.

Please share this exciting news with your loved ones!

5 Signs of Nutrient Deficiencies That Are Written All Over Your Face

Vitamin deficiencies are pretty common nowadays and over 1 billion people across the world are deficient in Vitamin D. In fact, even if you eat well, there’s a good chance you’re lacking some important nutrients.

A blood test will often detect vitamin deficiencies. However, there is a better and more effective way to find out if you are deficient in some vitamins.

For instance, your face is one of the best assets that reveal your body’s internal state. There are 5 easy to spot signs of nutrient deficiencies that can easily be found and treated with healthy foods.

Here are the 5 signs of nutrient deficiencies written all over your face:

  1. Pale Complexion

The absence of Vitamin B12 in our body usually makes the face pale. In case your face gets paler every day, check your tongue as well, and if it’s smooth, you are definitely deficient in this vitamin. Other symptoms may include fatigue and memory loss.

Healing Foods: Salmon, red meat, fortified cereal, yogurt, and swiss cheese.

  1. Puffy Eyes

You will probably notice if your eyes are puffy after waking up, that’s a sign of iodine lacking in your body. Other signs include brittle nails, weight gain, and dry skin.

Healing Foods: Cranberries, kelp, strawberries, potatoes, yogurt, and navy beans.

  1. Painful or Bleeding Gum

The lack of Vitamin C results in painful, tender, and bleeding gums. Since this vitamin is crucial for overall health, its deficiency can lead to numerous health ailments. Keep in mind that the human body doesn’t make or store vitamin C, so you need to get plenty from your food every day.

Healing Foods: Strawberries, citrus fruits, berries, mango, cantaloupe, watermelon, kiwi, papaya, and red peppers.

  1. Hair issues

If your hair seems lifeless, dry, brittle, and you have dandruff, your body lacks Vitamin B7. Doses of biotin via vitamin supplements can be helpful for improving hair quality and even the treatment of diabetes.

Healing Foods: Eggs, mushrooms, and cauliflower, almonds, nuts, legumes, and whole grains.

  1. Pale Lips

If your lips are pale, it means your body is low in iron. Make sure to treat this issue as soon as possible as iron deficiency can weaken your immune system.

Healing foods: Red meat, fish, spinach, seafood, beans, dark green leafy vegetables, and peas.

Adorable Trio Of Black Spotted Horse, Pony, And Dog Look Like Siblings

Meet the fantastic trio, a horse, a pony, and a dog who all look the same despite being different in size and species.

They are all part of Greetje Arends-Hakvoort’s family, and despite their obvious differences, they all love playing together.

Meet the horse, dog and pony who are all the best of friends and look identical - despite them not even being the same species

Greetje is a horse trainer and has an Appaloosa stallion, a Shetland pony, and a Dalmatian dog in her family who all look alike!

It is not uncommon to find the trio running, training, and generally having fun together.

Horse trainer Greetje Arends-Hakvoort (left) has three identical looking pets - one Appaloosa stallion, one Shetland pony and one Dalmatian dog - all of which showcase their stunning black spots

Greetje loves taking the animals out with her seven-year-old daughter, Jolie, who especially enjoys riding on the Shetland pony.

Mother-of-one Greetje, 35, adores taking the animals out with her seven-year-old daughter Jolie Lune Arends (pictured), who loves riding the Shetland pony - to the amazement of passers by.

The stallion is named Nevada and is 10 years old, the pony, Napolean and is 6 years old, and finally the Dalmation, Jack Sparrow is 2 years old.

Despite their size differences, the three animals love to play together, with owner Greetje regularly catching them running, training, and having fun together

Greetje, from The Netherlands, said: “I have always wanted a Dalmatian dog and I love spotted horses so two of my wishes came together in a special way.”

Dalmation Jack Sparrow, two, and Appaloosa stallion Nevada play together in the sunshine

“People always smile when they see the three together; often people refer to the 101 Dalmatians film and it brings up nice childhood memories for them.”

Appaloosa stallion Nevada, 10, Shetland pony Napoleon, six, and Dalmatian Jack Sparrow, two, are the best of friends and love wowing strangers with their unique matching spots

“Napoleon was actually born at the same time as Jolie so they grew up together and now they are the best of friends.”

Greetje said: 'People always smile when they see the three together; often people refer to the 101 Dalmatians film and it brings up nice childhood memories for them.'

“People always smile when they see the three together; often people refer to the 101 Dalmatians film and it brings up nice childhood memories for them.”

Mother Greetje and daughter Jolie go riding with their identical looking stallion, pony and dalmation

“When Jack was younger, he saw himself as one of the horses and he fits in perfectly. Trust is the keyword here; horses thrive when trust exists and they need to feel comfortable and self-assured and Jack does exactly that.”

Daughter Jolie pictured stroking her Shetland pony, who was born at the same time as her

“There’s a lot of horse and dog love there between them. We have even more spots here now as the family is growing! We have three other horses and training them is my passion.”

Elderberry Can Totally Eliminate Cold And Flu Symptoms ‘Within 48 Hours’

According to researchers, elderberry syrup is something you should keep at home in the winter season, as it’s an extremely effective natural cure for colds and flu.

The elderberries are the fruit of the elderberry plant and are high in antioxidants, known as anthocyanins. They are grown for medicinal as well as food-related purposes. They are utilized to make jams, jellies, capsules, tea, gummies as well as medicinal syrups and lozenges.

The majority of supplements are made using elderberry called black (Sambucus nigra) and flowering plants of European elder, commonly referred to as elderflowers, are used for making elderflower cordial or liquor.

It has been utilized in herbal remedies for colds or flu and sinus illnesses for centuries Studies have revealed that elderberry extracts have powerful anti-virus, immune-stimulating, and anti-inflammatory properties.

It improves the immune system and can treat symptoms of colds and flu in just 48 hours.

A study from 2004 released in the Journal of International Medical Research discovered that if elderberry extract is taken within 48 hours following the beginning of the flu A and B viruses it can reduce the duration of flu-related symptoms by approximately four days.

In a different study from 2009 released in Online Journal of Pharmacology, H1N1 and avian influenza patients were treated with four daily 175 milligram dosages of elderberry extract which resulted in rapid improvement in just 24 hours.

For instance, in the space of 24 hours, pain in the muscles, headaches, as well as sinus congestion in patients, drastically decreased. According to research after 48 hours after treatment, approximately 90% of patients treated with elderberry extract didn’t experience any signs or had symptoms that were mild.

Nutrients released a study in 2016 which concluded that elderberry could help to reduce the duration and signs of a cold for air travelers. The study found that travelers took it for 10 days prior to their travels, and up to four and five days later after they arrived in the foreign country It also reduced the duration of symptoms of cold by two days.

Brave Teens Dive Into Mud-Pit To Save Kangaroo Trapped Up To Its Neck

As two Australian teens rode their bikes near Sydney, Australia, they saw something strange sticking out of the mud: a head and two pointed ears to be exact.

Both age 19, Jack Donelly and Nick Heath came in for a closer look and what they saw broke their hearts.

They found a kangaroo who had wandered too deep into the mud and had got itself stuck neck-deep.

The roo was crying out and exhausted from trying to wriggle free.

kangaroo mud rescue australia

The pair knew they needed to help, so rushed home to get supplies, tied rope around Nick’s waist, and waded into the mud, and Jack kept a grip on the rope from dry land.

kangaroo rescue australia

The kangaroo relaxed as soon as it was free from the mud.

“The roo’s life was important to us so we went out on an arm and leg,” Nick Heath told TODAY.

“We think he went searching for water there, and it was really muddy so he got himself really stuck.”

The teens could see that the kangaroo didn’t look well so they contacted WIRES Australian Wildlife Rescue immediately.

kangaroo rescue australia

“He was totally covered in thick clay, cold and exhausted,” a spokesperson for the rescue told The Dodo.

“Once sedated, he was slowly warmed, then washed in tepid water to get rid of all [the] clay that was coating him, then warmed up again slowly to get his body temperature up and given warm fluids.”

kangaroo rescue australia

The kangaroo is now all cleaned up and recovering, with the rescuers keeping a close eye on him.

“It’s a pretty patriotic thing to do, and we feel proud,” Nick said. “If we saw something like that again, we’ll do it all over again.”

Science Explains 10 Things That Happen To Your Body When You Walk Every Day

“Walking is a man’s best medicine.” Hippocrates

The advantages of walking to improve your mental and physical well-being are numerous. Therefore, a 30-minute daily stroll is an easily enjoyable, easy, and accessible exercise. Walking can also help stop the development of numerous diseases and dramatically reduces the chance of developing heart-related issues

Here are 10 things that occur to your body when you begin to walk every day:

  1. A heart that is healthy

It is the most effective exercise to avoid heart disease. It lowers blood pressure and improves cholesterol profiling (cholesterol as well as triglycerides). Regular exercise reduces the chance of having coronary events and death at an early age. It also increases the heart rate and strengthens the heart muscle.

  1. Blood sugar control

Walking after a meal will lower blood sugar levels since it helps burn calories by putting on the muscles. A lot of diabetics walk as a way to control their diabetes and also people who are overweight and have obesity issues.

  1. Joints and bones that are stronger

Walking helps bones and joints to move in a way that is counter-intuitive to gravity, which strengthens them and reduces the chance of injuries, fractures, and loss of bone mass as we age. Regular exercise reduces joint stiffness, reduces inflammation, and eases lower back discomfort.

  1. Healthier brains

An article published by The American Journal of Preventive Medicine revealed that women who walked in a minimum of 200-300 minutes a week experienced a better mood despite their depression diagnosis. Even walking at a low intensity significantly boosts mental health, reduces levels of cortisol levels, increases positive feelings, and calms the mind.

  1. Low back pain alleviation

Walking is a light yet, healthy activity and it’s a good choice when you suffer from lower back discomfort. It improves blood circulation, particularly around the spine structure, and increases flexibility, which eases discomfort.

  1. Better eyesight

Walking is a beneficial and beneficial exercise regular walks cut down the risk of developing glaucoma by 73. Walking can alter blood flow and pressure, which prevents the loss of vision, and also improves eyesight.

  1. Pancreas that are more efficient

The pancreas plays a crucial role in the digestive system since it is the source of hormones, enzymes, and insulin, which break down the food consumed. Walking at a low intensity boosts its effectiveness through increasing levels of insulin as well as speeding up metabolism.

  1. Improved lung capacity

Walking improves the functioning of the lungs. During this time, you breathe oxygen in and exhale out carbon dioxide. Walking makes us are breathing harder, and your body is able to use greater amounts of oxygen as well as releases carbon dioxide and increases your capacity to use the lung. Furthermore, walking increases circulation and increase the functioning of the lung.

  1. Toned muscles

Walking improves the strength of your legs, which helps to lose weight and strengthens your legs.

  1. Improved digestion

German researchers discovered that walking could speed up the process of food moving into the stomach to aid digestion. Therefore, you should take a 20-minute walk after eating, to reduce energy and prevent digestion issues like constipation.

Walking regularly can bring many benefits. The following suggestions will assist you to achieve this goal:

  • Find a friend for a walk, to have fun on your walks
  • Consider walking meetings instead of sitting-down meetings
  • Create a family-friendly walk with your spouse as well as your children and pets along with you
  • Enjoy a walk during your lunch break
  • Instead of driving, consider walking or use public transportation