Author Archives: wepeda_user

Prominent Golden Eyebrows And A Violet Blue Cap Stand Out Against A Veritable Rainbow Of Color -Meet The Gold-browed Chlorophonia! con


Beautiful yellow – gold eyebrows stunningly stand out against a rainbow of color, making for one of the most colorful birds in the world.

MEET THE GOLD-BROWED CHLOROPHONIA The golden-browed chlorophonia (Chlorophonia callophrys), is a species of bird in the Fringillidae family. This brightly colored bird is one of the most distinctive birds in its range. The male is bright green above and below, with a bright yellow eyebrow stripe and violet-blue cap. As well as the yellow stripe he has a blue ring around his eyes and a violet-blue cap on his head, along with a thin blue line extending halfway around the back of his neck. The female looks very similar to the male, though she lacks the yellow eyebrow stripe and yellow breast.  This bird is endemic to Costa Rica and Panama in subropical, and or tropical moist montane forest above 750 m (2,460 ft) elevation. These birds are often seen around moss or bromeliads feeding on fruit, berries, and insects. Golden-browed Chlorophonias nest between February and June in tightly built nests, well concealed from predators.  Though this bird range is restricted and numbers have fallen due to habitat loss, it is not yet considered a threatened species.

Homemade Turmeric & Ginger Tea to Prevent Heart Disease, Lowers Cholesterol and Improves Your Brain Health

Chronic dehydration sometimes occurs regardless of how much fluid you take in on a particular day. Dehydration especially triggers when your body is exposed to extreme heat or prolonged physical activity. Thus, leads to numerous health issues, such as blood flow resistance, high blood pressure, obesity, cancer, skin issues, and type 2 diabetes.

Fortunately, consuming turmeric and ginger iced tea is a delicious and refreshing way to prevent these health disorders. Moreover, the medicinal properties of turmeric and ginger will boost your health, keep your body hydrated, and strengthen your heart and blood vessels.

Despite receiving numerous health benefits, the medicinal and therapeutic properties of ginger and turmeric together also produce an overall and all-rounder effect of ease, comfort, and wellbeing. For example, by combining these delicious herbs, you can soothe your gastrointestinal problems, reduce inflammation in joints, and even help reduce symptoms of depression.

Turmeric has been scientifically shown for its powerful anti-inflammatory properties. Plus, its active ingredient, curcumin, improves the function of the endothelium, which is the lining of the blood vessels, and thus regulates blood pressure and blood clotting. In addition, it improves brain health and helps in the case of stroke and Alzheimer’s.

On the other hand, ginger improves heart health, lowers cholesterol levels, and prevents the oxidation of LDL, or “bad” cholesterol, and atherosclerosis. It is clear that turmeric and ginger have amazing power to boost your health. Now, let’s look at this specific homemade natural remedy.

Here’s how to prepare the homemade turmeric & ginger tea:


  • 4 tsp dried ginger (or two inches fresh ginger root)
  • 4 tsp dried organic turmeric
  • 1 cup plus 3 cups of water (1 cup for steeping, 3 for dilution)
  • ¼ cup honey
  • ¾ tsp black pepper


At first, take a small saucepan, and mix the turmeric, ginger, and black pepper together with a cup of water. Next, bring the mixture to a boil, and reduce the heat to simmer. You should simmer only for a few minutes, and turn off the heat. Now, sweeten it with honey and cover the saucepan to let it steep for at least 1 hour. Lastly, strain the mixture using a cheesecloth.

You should add the other 3 cups of water for dilution and then store in a jar in the refrigerator. Drink a glass of this remedy every morning on an empty stomach.

Not Content With His Fiery Orange Vest, This Bird Sports An Equally Vibrant Shinning Silver Cap -Meet The Daurian Redstart! con

Sporting a silvery gray cap in conjunction with a bright orange vest makes this bird stand out wherever he happens to be whatever he happens to be doing.


The Daurian redstart (Phoenicurus auroreus), is a small passerine bird from temperate Asia. In Japan, it is known commonly as jōbitaki (ジョウビタキ). During the breeding season, the male wears a silvery gray crown and nape, along with a black face, orange underparts, and dark wings with a white patch on each one. He has a brownish mantle, orange rump, with a black tail with orange sides.

Overall, females are brownish but do share the male’s bright tail and wing patch.

The bill, eyes, and legs of both sexes are black.

Daurian Redstarts are migratory birds, commonly found in East Asia, ranging eastwards from Mongolia and the Himalayas. 

This species prefers open forests, forest edges, agricultural margins. But it is also commonly found in parks and many backyard gardens. Not easily scared they allow human beings to get quite close before taking off. Very little is known about these birds during the breeding season other than it is during the summer months in open forested areas, scrubby vegetation in subalpine areas. 

It is known the male is very territorial and will defend the nesting site.

Widespread throughout their range this bird is not to be considered a threatened species by the

Garlic: The Most Effective Cure for Pneumonia, Coughs, Colds, Ear Infections

Did you know that prior to the discovery of penicillin there was no cure for pneumonia diseases? Fortunately, garlic is one of the most powerful natural antibiotics that has been famous since ancient times. In fact, garlic is one of the best remedies against colds, coughs, pneumonia, ear infections, and much more for a very long period of time.

Most of its medicinal properties are a result of its compound allicin. In order to extract the highest amount of allicin from your garlic, you need to mash it into a fine paste or create a smooth mixture. In other words, squeezing garlic or mincing it into a smooth glue will provide you with the most grounded flavor and will deliver the most astounding measure of allicin.

This garlic oil treatment, otherwise called GOOT offers all the powerful antibacterial, antimicrobial, antiviral, antifungal, and antioxidant properties extremely beneficial for your health and well-being.

Here’s how to prepare the most effective garlic cure for pneumonia, coughs, and colds:

  • Ingredients:
  • 5 Fresh, Peeled Garlic Cloves
  • 2 Tbsp Olive oil
  • 3 Tbsp Coconut oil
  • Instructions:

Warm the coconut oil and add the olive oil. Then, mince or crush the garlic cloves and add them in the mixture of oils. Leave the mixture to sit aside for half an hour, and then strain out the garlic. Lastly, pour the garlic oil into a suitable container or a smaller jar. After 1 hour, the garlic oil mixture will turn into a thick soft paste.

When the mixture is rubbed into the skin, this ointment will transfer the raw garlic oil directly into the bloodstream and it will start acting.

It can be used to treat various health issues:

  • Rub on children’s feet to prevent infections. This also works for infants.
  • In order to treat acne, apply a bit of the mixture, and rub it gently on your face. Then, let it sit there for about 10 minutes, use cold water to rinse it.
  • To soothe an ear infection apply a few drops in the ear.
  • Rub it on your chest to fight pneumonia, coughs, and colds.
  • Sprinkle a few drops of garlic oil on a cotton ball, to relieve tootache.
  • Apply a few drops in the nostrils in order to treat sinus infections.
  • Massage the scalp with the garlic oil treatment to prevent hair loss.

Covered In A Glittering Coat Of Lemon- Yellow Scales Flecked With Black

A very striking unmistakable beautiful bird that is unfortunately right on the edge of being critically endangered.

The regent honeyeater (Anthochaera phrygia), is a critically endangered bird endemic to southeastern Australia. These birds have a blackhead, neck, and upper breast with a lemon yellow breast scaled with black. The belly is also flecked with lemon grading into a white rump. They have black wings with yellow patches along with a black tail edged with yellow. In males, there is a dark eye surrounded by yellowish wary bare skin. 

The female of this species is smaller than the male with a bare yellowish patch under the eye instead of a ring. They also have less black on the throat.

In its few remaining areas these birds feed primarily on nectar from eucalyptus, and mistletoe tree species as well as native and cultivated fruit. To a lesser extent, they eat a variety of insects.

The Therapeutic Benefits of Persimmon Many People Don’t Know About

Persimmon is also known as the “Apple of the Orient“ and is first grown in China. However, from China, persimmon diffused into Japan, where it still plays a primary role in Japanese cuisine. Nowadays Persimmon is spread all over the world.

In fact, persimmon is really not a fruit, but a large, round berry, with a smooth, thin peel of yellow to brilliant orange color. When ripe, persimmon is very sweet and some parts of the flesh may turn brown. However, this is not because it has turned bad, but is actually from the sugar in the fruit.

You can eat persimmons raw, juiced, or you can puree them and add them to smoothies. Either way they are highly fibrous, delicious and nutritious.

According to Rachael Link, MS, RD, “one raw persimmon fruit contains:

  • 118 calories
  • 1 gram protein
  • 31.2 grams carbohydrates
  • 6 grams fiber
  • 0.3-grams fat
  • 2,733 international units vitamin A (55 percent DV)
  • 0.6-milligram manganese (30 percent DV)
  • 12.6 milligrams vitamin C (21 percent DV)
  • 0.2-milligram copper (9 percent DV)
  • 270 milligrams potassium (8 percent DV)
  • 0.2-milligram vitamin B6 (8 percent DV)
  • 1.2 milligrams vitamin E (6 percent DV)
  • 4.4 micrograms vitamin K (5 percent DV)

Persimmon is also abundant in potassium, iron, copper, calcium, manganese, and phosphorus, as well as vitamins A, C, and B vitamins.

Here are the therapeutic benefits of persimmon many people don’t know about:

  • Cold and flu

Thanks to its high content in vitamin C, persimmon strengthens the immune system and relieves the symptoms of colds, infections, and inflammation.

  • Constipation

Due to its high content in fiber and water, persimmon have excellent laxative properties that effectively relieve constipation.

  • Diuretic effect

Due to its high calcium and potassium levels this berry posseses powerful diuretic properties. Therefore, daily consumption of persimmonis is amazing way to prevent or relieve water retention.

  • High blood pressure

Helps reduce high blood pressure and successfully prevents many heart conditions linked to hypertension.

  • Liver health and body detoxification

Its excellent source of antioxidants play a key role in liver health and body detoxification. Persimmon succesfully neutralizes toxins and prevent damage due to free radicals.

  • Natural energizer

Persimmons provide a lot of readily available energy thanks to its high levels of potassium and electrolytes.

  • Stress, tiredness, and fatigue

Because persimmons are loaded in sugars and potassium, they may relieve the symptoms of stress, fatigue and tiredness without the need to use special energetic and nutritional supplements.

Nearly Half of Tested Honey Contains Mostly Rice Syrup, Wheat Syrup or Sugar Beet Syrup

Testing at a leading international scientific lab in Australia has found that almost half of the honey sold in Australia has been mixed with other substances. Thus, including cheap sweeteners such as rice syrup, wheat syrup, and sugar beet syrup. Yet, the ugly truth is even scarier since all of these products have passed the official government purity tests.

The problem is even worse in the United States when there is no standard or testing for honey purity. In fact, a 2011 lab analysis showed that 76 percent of grocery honey was free of bee pollen, indicating it is probably sourced illegally from China.

Perhaps a better way to ensure your honey is real, you should choose one that is raw and unfiltered, often labeled as organic. In fact, one ounce of raw, unfiltered tested honey contains approximately 20 vitamins, 16 minerals, 18 amino acids, and lots of antioxidants and phytonutrients.

Moreover raw honey is an antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal substance, that’s highly nutritious. Plus, it contains significant amounts of B2, B3, B5, B6, C, sulfur, magnesium, potassium, sodium chloride, calcium, and phosphate.

Here are some health benefits of tested honey:

  1. Increasing blood flow to your heart honey prevent plaque accumulation in the arteries
  2. Raw honey promotes a truly deep and restorative sleep
  3. Boosts melatonin levels
  4. Honey treats urinary tract infections caused by catheters
  5. Ease coughs and brings relief to your sore throat
  6. Honey acts as a potential prebiotic that promotes the growth of good bacteria in the intestines
  7. Honey promotes digestion and treats digestive issues
  8. Relieves nausea
  9. Helps with acne and other skin issues
  10. Honey is an excellent skin exfoliator for sensitive skin
  11. It may increase insulin levels and decrease levels of blood sugar
  12. Honey lowers cholesterol levels and lowers the risk of coronary artery disease
  13. Boosts blood circulation and strengthens the heart
  14. Treats the symptoms of seasonal allergies
  15. Honey fights inflammation and can treat respiratory conditions like asthma

Golden Milk Recipe – Secret Of The Ancient Indian Medicine

This detoxifying Indian beverage is an ancient healing remedy that’s extremely beneficial in treating colds and other minor illnesses. In fact, this golden milk recipe for many years is a symbol of healing power and good health according to Indian belief.

There are numerous reasons why this milk is so popular. In fact, this golden drink is not only delicious and easy to prepare but, it’s also enriched with powerful nutrients that reinforce the healing properties of your health and well-being. Therefore, make sure to include this ancient Indian medicine into your diet. Since, its healing properties provide a number of benefits for your immune system, joints, bones, spine, and every vital organ.

Here are few additional health benefits of this ancient Indian medicine:

  • Protect cells from damage and fights off disease and infections
  • It’s good for the brain and promotes memory
  • Boosts your mood and reduces symptoms of depression
  • It provides powerful antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties, that boosts your overall immune system

Here’s how to prepare the golden milk recipe:


  • 1/8 tbsp turmeric
  • 2 tbsp almond oil
  • 1 tbsp honey
  • 1 cup goat milk
  • 1/4 cup water


Combine the water with turmeric in a saucepan and boil for about 6 to 8 minutes. Then, add the milk and almond oil and cook until it boils again. As soon as you reach the boiling point, immediately take the milk aside. Once slightly cooled, add honey and drink it warm.

Now that the golden milk recipe is so popular, nutritionists recommend it as a powerful cure for any problems you may have with the immune system, bones, joints, arthritis, etc. In addition, there are no side effects and you can consume golden milk whenever you need it. It is good to drink a cup of golden milk the first thing in the morning as it provides energy throughout the entire day