Stray cat jumps into patrol car and asks cop for hugs

No one can refuse a cat a warm hug, which shows that he loves and trusts you. Recently there was a small accident in the road in Poland and the police went to the scene.

One of them was sitting in the car writing a protocol. Suddenly a cat jumped into the car and was kept awake. He didn’t care about the policeman’s attempts to work on paper, he just wanted to get what he wanted.

The police realized that it was a homeless cat, so they decided to take it with them and take care of it and keep it safe. The cat captivated everyone with its charm.

The rescue team disseminated the information to find him a family. Before that, he was always with the officer who hugged him in the car and appreciated his care.

If you have a pet, you can give it lots of attention and love, and hugs are the perfect way.

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