The Amazing Oil That Prevents Hair Loss and Re-Grows Eyebrow Hair

Hair loss is probably one of the worst aspects of aging. In fact, it’s an extremely common and frustrating issue that bothers lots of people. Though there are many hair growth serums available in the market, however, they provide zero results. In addition, they are high in chemicals that cause adverse effects and can produce further damage to the body.

Fortunately, you can easily eliminate all these hair related problems using castor oil, a potent ancient cure that provides numerous health benefits. Castor oil is a powerful antifungal, rich in proteins and minerals, which has strong antibacterial properties, powerful anti-inflammatory activity, and are high in omega-9 fatty acids.

In addition castor oil successfully treats:

  • Sunburn
  • Headaches
  • Menstrual cramps
  • Athlete’s foot
  • Worms
  • Pimples, acne, and skin issues
  • Gastrointestinal problems
  • Skin infections
  • Dandruff, and other microbial infections of the scalp

Here’s a video on how to use castor oil:



Here are the amazing benefits of castor oil and how to prevent hair loss and re-grow eyebrow hair:

1. Castor Oil Pack

Castor oil is an ancient cure that provides instant health benefits. It’s excellent for the treatment of digestive issues, irritable bowel syndrome, ovary ulcers, kidney stones, menstrual cramps, fibroids, swollen joints. This pack will be of great help.

You should pour a small amount of the oil over several layers of gauze, and apply the gauze to the problematic area. To enhance the effect, place a hot water bottle over the pack. Leave it to act for an hour, repeat this method 3 times per week.

  1. Massage for hair growth

To promote hair growth, take a few drops of castor oil on your fingers and massage the scalp in a circular motion. Thus, will make sure that the oils enter into the hair follicles.

  1. Brows and Lashes Thickening Lotion

Use the following castor oil mixture to enhance your eyelashes and eyebrows as well. Here’s how to prepare it:


  • 15 drops of garlic oil
  • 20 ml panthenol
  • 30 ml of castor oil


Combine all of the ingredients, and apply the mixture to the lashes and brows. For optimal results, repeat every night before going to sleep. The effects will amaze you.

Cinnabar Moths Are Perfectly Named For Their Striking Red And Black Looks

This species is so named due to the colour of the hindwings and the markings on the forewings which make it unmistakeable. There is little variation although on rare occasions the pinkish markings are replaced with yellow, or the forewing is red with a black border or the wings are completely black. Easily disturbed by day and flies in sunshine. Also flies after dark.



Many People Don’t Know That Cucumber Is An Anti-Inflammatory Food That Reduces Gout Attacks

Cucumbers are one of the most popular vegetables around the world. In fact, these low-calorie veggies contain many nutritional benefits, including hydrating properties and valuable nutrients. In addition, their refreshing taste relieves thirst and offers powerful cooling properties.

Cucumbers have green skin, pale green, and juicy flesh, and come from the same family as watermelon, along with zucchini and squashes. Cucumbers are cultivated to be eaten fresh, while pickling cucumbers are intended for the brine jar.

They have an impressive amount of water that is naturally distilled, plus their skin contains high levels of vitamin A. Cucumbers are also rich in alkaline-forming minerals which prevent disease and bacteria. Therefore, if you would like to make your body healthier, cucumbers are always a great choice.

In fact, cucumbers contain a great amount of vitamin A and C, potassium, folate, molybdenum, silica, phosphorus, manganese, sulfur, sodium, and lesser amounts of the vitamin B complex, and calcium. Moreover, this vegetable helps to prevent water retention and when applied topically, it can also reduce puffy and swollen eyes.

Here are cucumbers health benefits, that many people don’t know about:

  • Cucumber can help in lowering uric acids and may prevent inflammation and conditions like gout, arthritis, and asthma.
  • The juice of cucumbers is a potent diuretic that helps in the dissolution of kidney stones.
  • Cucumber juice is rich in alkaline minerals that promote the treatment of gastric and duodenal ulcers.
  • Cucumbers contain a high amount of potassium, which can help lower blood pressure.
  • It supplies the necessary electrolytes and restores hydration of the body which fights water retention.
  • The excellent source of silica contributes to the proper construction of connective tissues in the body including the bones, muscles, cartilage, ligaments, and tendons.
  • Drinking cucumber juice on a hot day wonderfully helps to normalize body temperature.
  • Cucumber slices can be placed on the eyes for 10 minutes, in order to reduce the puffiness.
  • The high amount of vitamin C and anti-oxidants in cucumber helps in the treatment of skin conditions like eczema, psoriasis, acne, etc.
  • Cucumber juice is rich in sulfur and silicon, therefore it’s especially helpful in promoting hair growth.

Keep in mind that you should always consume organic cucumbers. On the other hand, make sure to peel their skin before consumption. Also, if you want to retain the freshness of the cucumber, you should keep it in your fridge. Otherwise, if it was sliced, wrap it in an air-tight container in your fridge.

Extremely Rare Black Serval Spotted In The Wild

While shooting from the Asilia Namiri Plains Camp in Tanzania, British wildlife photographer George Turner captured a striking photo of an incredibly rare serval who was completely covered in black fur. According to Turner’s guide, the serval was given the name of “Manja”.



Soldier Rescues Baby Squirrel And Saves His Life, Now They Drive Around Town In Their Taxi Every Day

We love unusual friendships, and these two friends share an unexpected but beautiful bond. Masik is a squirrel, and Pyotr Pankratau is a a former Belarusian army soldier, and the two friends spend all their time together.



Baking Soda To Help Eliminate Spots, Wrinkles And Dark Circles In A Simple Way

As we age our skin looks thinner, paler, and clearer. Therefore, we all purchase various facial skincare products, in order to slow down the process of premature aging, eliminate wrinkles, dark spots, acne, and blackheads. Unfortunately, most of these products are ineffective and are very expensive. In addition, they only provide some short-term benefits.

Numerous home remedies propose baking soda as a great exfoliating ingredient. In fact, everyone loves baking soda since it’s a cheap powerful antioxidant, antibiotic, and anti-inflammatory agent. Therefore, it successfully eliminates bacteria, restores the balance of the skin, and detoxifies it.

Moreover, baking soda is an ideal ingredient for preparing various over-the-counter pharmacological treatments. Also, it’s amazing at relieving specific discomforts such as skin irritation, insect bites, or mild rashes.

Here’s how to prepare the homemade facial cream that will treat all your skin issues:


  • Baking soda
  • Honey
  • ½ lemon
  • Apple cider vinegar
  • ½ glass of water


Squeeze the juice out of the lemon and put it in the glass of water, then add the rest of the ingredients inside as well. Mix well, and apply the facial mask on your face. You should leave the mixture to act overnight. Then, the following morning using cold water rinse your face.

Repeat this every night for a month before going to sleep, the effects will surely amaze you.

Signs You’re Lacking in Vitamin D and How to Get More (Without Baking in the Sun)

Vitamin D is an essential component of your health and well-being. It’s estimated that about 1 billion people worldwide have low levels of this vitamin in their blood. Therefore its lack of it can greatly affect your nervous, muscle, and immune systems. In addition, vitamin D plays a huge role in protecting your body from numerous diseases such as diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular health, and even depression.

The primary and most natural source of vitamin D for our body is exposure to sunlight. Direct exposure to sunlight makes your skin slightly red which triggers the production of 10,000 to 25,000 international units of Vitamin D in our bodies. Thus, helps in preventing infections, common colds, and even flu. Also, scientists have found that people who lack vitamin D are more prone to weight gain.

These are the most common signs signs you’re lacking in vitamin D:

  • Muscle pain
  • Back pain and/or joint pain
  • Frequent infections
  • Slow wound healing
  • Low mood
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Hair loss
  • Loss of bone density

Fortunately, a vitamin D deficiency is usually easy to fix, even if you don’t want to bake in the sun. However, make sure you do your best to optimize its levels and improve your overall health.

In order to correct this deficiency, just follow these tips:

At first, you should test your 25-OH Vitamin D levels, and note that while normal ranges are between 10-55 ng/ml, but optimal ranges for optimal health are between 40-65 ng/ml.

  • One of the best ways to get enough vitamin D in your diet is to eat a variety of healthy foods such as whole eggs, fish liver oils, wild salmon, porcini mushrooms, and mackerel.
  • Taking vitamin D3 supplements is another amazing way to boost your energy levels since it is the active form of this vitamin. Start with supplements with 2000 – 5000 IU of Vitamin D3 daily for 3 months to optimize your vitamin D levels, and afterward, continue with a dose of 1000 – 2000 IU daily.

Romantic Photos Of Pacific Parrotlets And Their Loving Bond

In addition to all the beauties it contains in nature, they are birds that are always elegant and symbol of the balance of the universe. Birds are often required in the conditions of freedom, strength, speed, elegance and peace. It is possible to meet birds everywhere from the centers of the cities to the peaks of the mountains, and birds are one of the most photogenic creatures. In a well-composed photograph, the bird is an art in itself.



Many People Don’t Know That Cucumber Is An Anti-Inflammatory Food That Reduces Gout Attacks

Cucumbers are one of the most popular vegetables around the world. In fact, these low-calorie veggies contain many nutritional benefits, including hydrating properties and valuable nutrients. In addition, their refreshing taste relieves thirst and offers powerful cooling properties.

Cucumbers have green skin, pale green, and juicy flesh, and come from the same family as watermelon, along with zucchini and squashes. Cucumbers are cultivated to be eaten fresh, while pickling cucumbers are intended for the brine jar.

They have an impressive amount of water that is naturally distilled, plus their skin contains high levels of vitamin A. Cucumbers are also rich in alkaline-forming minerals which prevent disease and bacteria. Therefore, if you would like to make your body healthier, cucumbers are always a great choice.

In fact, cucumbers contain a great amount of vitamin A and C, potassium, folate, molybdenum, silica, phosphorus, manganese, sulfur, sodium, and lesser amounts of the vitamin B complex, and calcium. Moreover, this vegetable helps to prevent water retention and when applied topically, it can also reduce puffy and swollen eyes.

Here are cucumbers health benefits, that many people don’t know about:

  • Cucumber can help in lowering uric acids and may prevent inflammation and conditions like gout, arthritis, and asthma.
  • The juice of cucumbers is a potent diuretic that helps in the dissolution of kidney stones.
  • Cucumber juice is rich in alkaline minerals that promote the treatment of gastric and duodenal ulcers.
  • Cucumbers contain a high amount of potassium, which can help lower blood pressure.
  • It supplies the necessary electrolytes and restores hydration of the body which fights water retention.
  • The excellent source of silica contributes to the proper construction of connective tissues in the body including the bones, muscles, cartilage, ligaments, and tendons.
  • Drinking cucumber juice on a hot day wonderfully helps to normalize body temperature.
  • Cucumber slices can be placed on the eyes for 10 minutes, in order to reduce the puffiness.
  • The high amount of vitamin C and anti-oxidants in cucumber helps in the treatment of skin conditions like eczema, psoriasis, acne, etc.
  • Cucumber juice is rich in sulfur and silicon, therefore it’s especially helpful in promoting hair growth.

Keep in mind that you should always consume organic cucumbers. On the other hand, make sure to peel their skin before consumption. Also, if you want to retain the freshness of the cucumber, you should keep it in your fridge. Otherwise, if it was sliced, wrap it in an air-tight container in your fridge.

The Largest Moth In North America: Strikingly Beautiful Cecropia Moth (video)

The cecropia moth (Hyalophora cecropia Linnaeus) is among the most spectacular of the North American Lepidoptera. It is a member of the Saturniidae, a family of moths prized by collectors and nature lovers alike for their large size and extremely showy appearance.