Meet the Pompadour Cotinga – The Brid With Beautiful Shades Of Red

The Pompadour Cotinga is unique in its love for the colour red. It is a shimmering combination of burgundy set against pure white wings!

To say that the male is spectacular is an understatement! His head and body are covered in a coat of burgundy plumage which in turn contrasts perfectly with his pure white wings. He also has yellow eyes and grey legs.

Females are a pale gray colour, from head to toes.

These stunning creatures live in the upper parts of the forests in South America.

The males perform elaborate displays to win a female, while the females raise the young alone.

The main diet of this species of fruit

These birds use a vocal Purp to communicate. Males sometimes rattle, a sound not common among birds.

They are successful in the wild and are not endangered.

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