Category Archives: Healthy

How To Detox Your Kidneys And Improves It’s Functionality

Many factors can cause and be connected to improper kidney function or kidney toxicity. The most common of these factors are the alcohol consumption, consumption of unhealthy and starchy foods, smoking and hereditary kidney issues.

Mostly the kidney toxicity is followed by pain in the lower back area. But ignoring this symptom can cause a lot of more serious diseases, such as kidney stones or even a total kidney failure.

The kidneys are one of the most important organs in our body, because they are the ones that get rid of the waste we don’t need in our bodies and clean our blood.

Many serious problems may occur, due to kidney dysfunction or kidney toxicity.

But there is a way to treat and prevent from these diseases, there is a natural homemade drink, which will help you cleanse your kidneys and get rid of the toxicity inside them, and it is very effective.

This drink is 100% natural and it is made from various herbs and fruits, it doesn’t provide any adverse effects either!

The potion for Kidney detox


  • 1/2 of a teaspoon of turmeric powder
  • 2 teaspoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • A cup of cranberry juice
  • A cup of natural grape juice
  • 1 teaspoon of grated ginger

Grapes are rich source of antioxidants, which can truly be used as a natural remedy for treating and preventing from kidney diseases.

Cranberries are perfect for treating urinary tract diseases, because they make your urine more acidic. Therefore if the urine is more acidic, it is able to dissolve kidney stones and keep microorganisms from entering the bladder, which are actually very harmful.

Ginger can easily cleanse your blood of toxins, it improves your blood flow, and also it is able to provide some warming effects.

Turmeric can help in the case of overworked kidneys, because it can relieve from inflammation. Because of the ability to prevent from blood platelets to clump, it prevents from blood clots.

Lemons are a rich source of citric acid, which makes them perfect for dissolving kidney stones and prevent from them. This acid is able to prevent smaller stones to grow, and break the smaller ones that are formed.


Put the cranberry juice and the grapes in a jar. Then apply the grated ginger, lemon juice and the turmeric powder, and stir gently.

Leave it for half an hour while covered on the top, for the ingredients to mix together well. You can than filter the juice in a small bottle, and drink it two times on daily basis!

Save Your Heart, Kidneys, and Brain: Clean Your Arteries With These 3 ingredients

In case you didn’t know, the arteries are the fundamental part of the human body and their health is more than important. In fact, the arteries are a type of blood vessels that transport oxygen-packed blood from the heart to the rest of your body parts.

Therefore, if you want to stay healthy and alive, you should maintain the proper function of all body organs. In fact, the best way to prevent cardiovascular diseases, strokes, and heart attacks, is to eliminate processed food, fast foods, and foods packed with fats since they ruin our cardiovascular system’s health.

Here’s how to prepare the 3- ingredient recipe that will cleanse your arteries:


  • 8 cloves of garlic
  • 1 piece of ginger (4-5 cm)
  • 100 oz / 3 liters clean water
  • 8 lemons


At first, wash the lemons and cut them into small pieces. Next, take the ginger and garlic cloves and clean them thoroughly. After that, put all ingredients in a blender and mix well until you get a smooth mixture. Then, transfer the mixture to a pot, add water, and cook until it starts boiling. Once boiled, store the mixture in clean glass bottles.


Make sure to consume this natural remedy every day, 2 hours before meals, on an empty stomach. Apart from its consumption, it is also recommended that you do regular exercises at least 3 times a week.  Undoubtedly, this recipe will help you clean your arteries and get rid of all fat buildup in the blood.

Dandelions Build Bones Better than Calcium, Cleanse the Liver and Even Treat Eczema and Psoriasis

Many people view the common dandelions as an invading and irritating plant that pops from nowhere But did you be aware that dandelions can actually be an amazing natural remedy and food source? They are packed with amazing vitamins, nutrients, and minerals They are among some of the best plants for nutrition in the world.

Dandelions have been noted throughout time as a beneficial and effective remedy for the psoriasis condition, diseases of the blood, anemia depression, and eczema.

They’re loaded in Vitamins A and C potassium iron as well as fiber, calcium zinc magnesium, zinc, and phosphorus, as well as being extremely abundant in many trace minerals, including Vitamin K as well as Vitamin D. In a pound, they’re richer in proteins than spinach!

Here are dandelion health benefits:

  • Digestion

Dandelion is a powerful aid to digestion and helps balance out bad and good bacteria that reside in the stomach as well as the intestines. Dandelion also helps increase appetite.

Dandelion also acts as a diuretic, which stimulates the production of urine. It also aids the kidneys in removing excess water and toxic waste. Dandelion also functions as a mild bowel cleanser by making stools more comfortable, thereby helping to ease constipation.

  • Protects Bones

Highly nutrient-dense in Vitamin K Dandelions may provide more than 500 percent of daily intake. Vitamin K is one of the crucial fat-soluble vitamins required by our bodies to support bone mineralization. Research has proven the fact that Vitamin K is more efficient in building bones and strengthening them than calcium!

  • Cleanses The Liver

Dandelions boost the production of superoxide dismutase an antioxidant that fights the damage caused by free radicals to cells as well as DNA. This means that the aging process within our cells slows down!

Dandelion has also been proven in research studies to improve liver function by aiding in the removal of toxic toxins in the body and supplying an increase in electrolytes.

A study in 2017 revealed that dandelion polysaccharides can be very beneficial for liver function.

  • Inflammation

Because of their abundance of essential fatty acids phytonutrients and antioxidants, dandelions have the ability to control and reduce pain and inflammation across various parts of the body. as effective as prescribed medications, without the unpleasant adverse consequences.

  • Cholesterol

Dandelion may be able to reduce and manage cholesterol levels, as demonstrated in a variety of research studies on animals.

  • High Blood Pressure

Super-nutrient and abundant in potassium and fiber Dandelions hold a lot of potentials to aid in regulating blood pressure.

  • Immune System

Dandelion can have a positive impact on our body’s immune system as well as its functions. It helps fight off a myriad of bacteria and microbes. It can also be applied as a topical treatment for a range of kinds of skin irritations.

  • How To Use Dandelions

Dandelions are edible raw directly from the ground following washing them well or cooked in a pan or frying at home. A lot of people also make the tea from dandelions. The roots are typically used to make tea and offer the most remarkable health benefits to the entire plant.

They have very high levels of calcium, potassium, and Phosphorus. A large number of antioxidants present in the roots are able to stop the growth and cause the death of cancerous cells.

The King of All Oils: It Can Treat Migraines, Anxiety and Depressions

Recent studies suggest that frankincense essential oil may provide powerful health benefits for your health and well-being. In addition, this oil is known as the king of oils, since it has a myriad of powerful medicinal properties.

Frankincense has a woody but sweet aroma that is commonly enjoyed in various spiritual and healing blends all over the world. With its mellow yet fresh aroma and warm comforting undertones, it provides calming, soothing, and grounding, benefits.

Here’s how to restore your health using the king of all oils:

1. Boosts immune system

Massage a few drops into the balls of your feet daily to strengthen your immune system.

2. Removes moles, skin tags, and warts

Apply a single drop 3 or 4 times daily or until it’s gone.

3. Reduces stress and anxiety

It is rich in chemicals that relieve stress and anxiety. In addition, it eases your brain, brings positivity to your life, and has a calming and soothing effect.

4. Helps with headaches and migraines

You can say no to migraines when you are using this oil. Frankincense oil has powerful anti-inflammatory properties that prevent migraines and headaches.

5. Relieve joint pain and swelling

This strong anti-inflammatory agent relieves muscle aches and joint pain and stimulates blood circulation. Just apply to the areas of concern to decrease pain.

6. Helps with acne

To eliminate acne and prevent new breakouts, just dab one drop on those acne spots morning and night.

7. Relieves itching

When you feel itchy in one area in your body, apply a drop of it and prevent the irritating sensation.

8. Reduces wrinkles

This oil successfully reduces wrinkles and fills out the pores that are outbreak and causing such ugliness. You need to apply it to the skin mixed with some unscented oil, such as coconut oil.

9. Detoxifies the air

Frankincense oil can help to kill germs that are lurking in your home and in the air.

10. Relaxation

The powerful aroma of this essential oil promotes relaxation and minimizes negativity in life.

11. Oral Health

Frankincense essential oil improves plaque-induced gingivitis and is also great for getting rid of bad breath.

12. Promotes sleep

Helps to slow down your breathing and relieve nervous tension and anxiety, just diffuse the frankincense oil before bedtime.

This Recipe is Going Crazy in The World! Heal Your Knees and Rebuilds Bones and Joints Immediately

Our bоdy gеts оldеr аnd wеаkеr аs wе gеt оldеr, our metabolism slows down and our bones and joints start to ache and wear out.

Onе cоnditiоn thаt is very cоmmоn tо аppеаr is the knee pain. You’ll probably experience the pain varies and that you have good and bad days. However, knee pain sometimes can be extremely intense and disturbing, that you won’t be able to do any simple activity.

Therefore, this nаturаl trеаtmеnt can help you heal your knees naturally. It hаs аmаzеd dоctоrs from all over the world, and its еfficiеncy has been shown to be 100% effective. Additionally, there are no unwanted side-effects and its completely natural.

However, you shouldn’t let the pain get too serious because it will be harder to cure, once and for all. In fact, the recipe should be taken immediately after еxpеriеncing аny typе оf pаin in joints, knees, and bones.

Here is the nаturаl rеmеdy to heal your knees:


  • 200 g of raw, organic honey
  • 40 g of pumpkin seeds
  • 8 tablespoons of flaxseed
  • 3 tablespoons of raisins
  • 2 tablespoons of unflavored gelatin
  • 4 tablespoons of sesame seeds


Take all of the ingredients put them in a food processor and blend until smooth. Then you can place the mixture intо а cоntаinеr аnd stоrе it in thе fridgе. And thе rеmеdy fоr knее pаin is rеаdy tо usе.

Every morning before breakfast eat a spoonful of the mixture, also do the same later before lunch. You should use this remedy regularly 2 times a day. Thus, reduces the discomfort and soothes the pain as well. Additionally, in а short period of time yоur ligаmеnts аnd tеndоns will bеcome much strоngеr thаn bеfоrе.

When you run out of the mixture make a new batch and extend the therapy. As a bonus, your metabolism will also improve.

Once you experience the amazing effects, be sure to share this remedy with your friends and family.

Why Are People With Blood Type O So Special?

Science is not able to explain how our personalities are determined by blood type yet, there are some interesting theories. In fact, there are 4 blood types, A, B, AB, and O, but there is something really unique about the blood type O.

The negatives A-, B-, AB-, and O- are red blood cells that do not have any A or B antigens. On the other hand, the positive ones have antigens present in them. According to historical data, it has been believed that people with type 0 blood are those that observed the environment and were aggressive hunters.

Here are some important facts about people with blood type O:

  • These people have a strong immune system and thin blood, therefore they live the longest.
  • Dr. Peter D’Adamo’s ‘blood type’ diet recommends that those with O blood type should eat more lean meat, and avoid diary and grains.
  • People with type 0 blood are predisposed to iodine deficiency, a chemical element whose sole purpose is to regulate the thyroid hormones, anger, and hyperactivity.
  • People with Type O blood are significantly more often bitten by mosquitoes.
  • Numerous studies found that the risk of pancreatic is more than one-third less among individuals with blood type O.
  • When it comes to their personality traits, they are productive, energetic, focused, and very competitive. Plus, blood type 0 is linked to organization, practicality, commitment, and logic.
  • Individuals with this blood type are passionate, optimistic, honest, ambitious, and confident.
  • People in this group have a lot of noradrenaline and adrenaline working throughout the body. Thus, means they should avoid gambling and extreme physical activity, especially when stressed or tired. Also, make sure to avoid caffeine and alcohol.
  • Nevertheless, unhealthy habits can lead to elevated stress levels. Therefore these people should take part in some physical exercise for at least half an hour, in order to maintain their emotional balance. Also, it will do wonders for their well-being.

70 Reasons You Need Coconut Oil In Your Pantry At All Times

Coconut oil is one of the most nutrient-dense superfoods on the planet. In addition, this oil is a cheap multi-purpose ingredient in one jar, that provides a wide range of positive health benefits. In fact, coconut oil has numerous antimicrobial, antifungal, and antibacterial properties, all due to its major component, lauric acid (49%).

The healing miracles of the coconut include lower cholesterol levels, proper digestion and metabolism, stronger immunity, weight loss, healthier skin, and hair.

Here’s the list of 70 reasons you need to use coconut oil:

  1. Promotes immune system
  2. Treats Candida
  3. Relieves infections
  4. Treat parasitic infections
  5. Heals irritable bowel syndrome
  6. Aids weight loss
  7. Clears up Genital herpes
  8. Cures Hepatitis C
  9. Beneficial HIV/AIDs treatment
  10. Lowers the risk of getting heart disease
  11. Enhances cholesterol levels
  12. Prevents Blood Clots
  13. Reduces risk of a stroke
  14. Relieves mild hemorrhoids
  15. Reverses dental cavities
  16. Prevents peptic ulcers
  17. Helps with prostate problems
  18. Treats Epilepsy
  19. Reduces the occurrence of bladder infections
  20. Overcomes chronic fatigue
  21. Releives damage from free radicals
  22. Improves oral health
  23. Revs up your metabolism
  24. Promotes energy
  25. Reduces cravings
  26. Treats mild psoriasis
  27. Eliminates flaking or dandruff
  28. Removes precancerous skin
  29. Accelerates recovery from flu virus
  30. Prevents liver spots
  31. Easily reduces blisters
  32. Heals warts
  33. Eliminates dead skin cells
  34. Removes dry skin
  35. Blocks damages from sun exposure
  36. Conditions hair follicles
  37. Protects skin from epidermis
  38. Heals wounds faster
  39. Eliminates athletes foot
  40. Prevents premature aging
  41. Reduce levels of inflammation

In addition, it has been claimed that coconut oil:

  1. Builds strong bones
  2. Protects your body against osteoporosis
  3. Relieves chronic pancreatitis
  4. Prevents symptoms of malabsorption
  5. Treatments for cystic fibrosis
  6. Prevents gallstones
  7. Pain relief for Crohn’s disease
  8. Calms ulcerative colitis
  9. Relieves symptoms with peptic ulcers
  10. Protects from breast and colon cancers
  11. Prevents liver disease
  12. Kills bacteria that causes pneumonia
  13. Kills earache bacterias
  14. Kills throat infection bacterias
  15. Kills food poisoning bacterias
  16. Kills urinary tract bacterias
  17. Kills meningitis bacterias
  18. Kills gonorrhoea bacterias
  19. Kills ringworm fungi
  20. Kills nappy rash fungi
  21. Expels tapeworm
  22. Expels lice
  23. Expels giardia
  24. Prevents symptoms associated with eczema
  25. Relieves symptoms associated with dermatitis
  26. Reduces sagging skin
  27. Treats burns
  28. Releives kidney stones
  29. Treats choleraic dysentery

5 Foot Exercises To Help Relieve Back, Hip, And Knee Pain In 20 Minutes or Less

Your feet and legs are of great importance since they support the total body weight of your body. Therefore, it’s crucial to take proper care of them in order to prevent back, hip, and knee pain

Also, by not wearing proper comfortable footwear, you may create bunions, corns, and calluses to your feet. In fact, you shouldn’t ignore any foot-related conditions as you can seriously harm your overall health, plus you wouldn’t be able to normally perform your daily tasks.

A good balance of stretching and cardiovascular exercise is always beneficial for the feet. Also, stretching your feet every morning can ensure their healthy function. Moreover, activities like walking, running, dancing, exercising, and weight lifting are able to ease explicit pain you may be feeling in your body.

Here are 5 exercises to strengthen your feet and relieve any pain:

  • Toe Presses

The toe press is an alternative muscle engaging exercise, great for warming up your feet. Start with a standing position and bend slightly, grip the floor with your toes and hold for 3 seconds. Then, release and repeat 10 times, do 3 times each day.

  • Toe Pencil Pickups

All you need for this exercise is a single pencil. You need to stand in front of the pencil on the floor, and using your toes try to grab it and lift it from the floor. Hold for 10 seconds, and drop it. Repeat 5 times on each foot.

  • Toe Walking

You don’t have to be a ballerina for this exercise. Doing this exercise will improve the muscles in the toes, as well as the ligaments that support the arch of the foot. You should stand on your tiptoes with your feet straight and walk forward for 20 seconds. Rest for 10-15 seconds, and repeat 5 times.

  • Resisted Flexion

This exercise will build up the hard to reach flexor muscles of the toes and feet. You need to wrap an exercise band to a fixed object and place the band on the top of the feet. Sit on the floor, and position your leg in front of you. While sitting on the floor start sliding back. Continue until you feel discomfort or can’t move any further. Repeat 10 times.

  • Ankle Circles

Ankle flexibility are extremely important as tight ankles can lead to back, hip, and knee pain. Lie on the floor and extend one leg over your head. Rotate the spread leg’s ankle clockwise for 10 counts. Then do the same only in a counterclockwise direction. Perform 5 sets with each foot.

5 Things You Can Do To Protect Yourself From Alzheimer’s

People are sometimes told that there is nothing that you can do to prevent from dementia diseases, like Alzheimer’s disease. According to the latest studies for those people that maintain their nutrition and have a greater life purpose, they are able to protect themselves somehow.

A doctor led a study at the Rush University Center in Chicago, her name was Patricia Boyle and she discovered that the people who had a greater life purpose were maintaining the cognitive ability much better than the ones that didn’t have such a purpose in their lives.

Dr. Boyle wanted to develop a way with her team, that can avoid the Alzheimer’s consequences, not the way where the tangles and brain plaques are kept from accumulating.

The doctor followed 246 senior citizens, they were examined for over 10 years, and they have been doing some tests. They were mostly questioned about their life missions. After their deaths, when the autopsy was done, they concluded something.

1. Life activity/purpose

As people get older, their brain is prone to getting tangles and brain plaques all the time. But, not if their life purpose or life mission is pursued and completed, that way they will avoid any form of dementia, despite all the brain conditions.

Many people can be given as an example, because they continue to pursue their life goals and purposes, they go on new adventures and activities, that require a lot of activity and mental focus as well.

As we age, the mental acuity needs to be retained, and we can accomplish that by doing some new activities that are challenging for us. The cognitive abilities, can be treated and maintained by walking a mile on your own in the nature, 4 times a week.

Here are some nutritional approaches too.

2. Coconut Oil

Dr. Mary Newport discovered the active ingredient in a formula, after her husband didn’t get to the drug trial for Alzheimer’s disease, because they didn’t accept volunteers anymore. The ingredient was a synthetic medium chain triglyceride (MCT).

Mostly these diseases are treated with synthetic drugs, but the synthetic drugs provide a lot of side effects, and their efficacy is exceeded  by the PR.

Dr. Newport concluded that the natural MCT was contained in the coconut oil. With the late stage of the Alzheimer’s disease, which her husband actually entered, she helped him recover with coconut oil, and it took only a month and a half, he used to take a tablespoon of coconut oil on daily basis. The brain tangles and plaques are dissolved because the metabolizing MTC creates ketones.

A citizen of Australia shared his amazing story, of how he cured his early stage Alzheimer’s disease with niacin(B3) and coconut oil, and he actually shared it on YouTube, these ingredients are good for many mental issues and other things bonded to our brain.

3. Curcumin and Vitamin D3:

There was a discovery that was developed for reversing Alzheimer’s disease and even prevent from it, it requires to mix vitamin D3 with curcumin. These two ingredients alone, don’t affect dementia at all, so how and why would someone mix them together and create a strong synergy?

Well, no one knows how, but it has proven to be very beneficial and that it doesn’t provide any side effects!

4. Eliminate Aluminum

Avoid every product that is connected to aluminum, for example deodorants and cooking utensils. Also the vaccines you are infused with, contain aluminum and they are directly infused into your bloodstream. Aluminum is able to go through the soft and thin blood brain barrier, and it is accumulated in the soft tissue cells, these regenerate less often than any other tissue, and this causes plaque to be created.

The brain is the most important organ in our body, it is created from cells that regenerate less than any other organ cells. If you want to remove aluminum from the soft tissue, and do it through your urine, the perfect solution for you is Silica. Huge amounts of Silica are contained in the herb horsetail, and it can provide constant silica dosing by being made into a tincture.

There are also a lot of products in the healthy stores, like mineral waters that are rich with silica.

5. Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA)

Consuming 600 mg of this acid on daily basis, will stop the early stage of dementia from transforming and going in to the Alzheimer’s stage.

The oxidative ability of this acid, can reduce the brain inflammation and it can cleanse from some heavy metals, including mercury and lead.

We give you a dietary advice, to eliminate the processed simple carbs, and be very aware that the brain cells are based on cholesterol, so reducing the intake of fats for just any reason might not be always a good idea.

9 Reasons You Should Try Cupping Therapy

Today in this article we’re going to discuss about a cupping therapy that was used back since 3000 B.C, and not many people are familiar with it.

The cupping therapy can improve our blood circulation. It will improve it in a way, that it will support it to go in to areas that it was difficult to go before. A cup is used, in which the skin is sucked in. Which helps the tissue under the cup to get released. Also it wraps around our muscles.

Small glass and round cups are heated up, and then they are placed on some parts of our skin. After a while, the cups are removed. This improves blood flow, and it relaxes our muscles as well. It is mostly used by athletics, Michael Phelps and Even Gwyneth Paltrow are using it very common.

Here are the top 9 reasons why you should use this therapy often:

It prevents and relieves from allergy, cough and cold symptoms

This therapy is helpful, because it stimulates our lungs and other organs to get rid of phlegm. With that, we are able to protect ourselves from coughing, colds and symptoms from many allergies. Also this treatment is improving and boosting our immune system, by pushing blood fluids and lymphatic fluids through every part of our body.

It is able to relieve from pain

Almost every type of pain can be reduced and prevented with this therapy, even cancer pain! It uses the pressure that is applied to our painful spots, to stimulate our soft tissues. Also our tissues are supplied with nutrients and oxygen with this therapy, and our blood flow is improved as well. To recover from an injury, heat and pressure are used around it, and energy goes through the affected area and speeds up the healing process.

Carpal tunnel syndrome can be treated with this therapy

This is a very awful disease, it affects your nerve that is in command of your hands, and it disables it, which makes you unable to move your hands. Cupping therapy is able to prevent from it, and from the pain that follows with the disease. According to a study, this therapy was able to improve a situation with this kind of disease in only one week!

It promotes Relaxation

Stressing out can be related to many health problems. Therefore it is very important to relax often. The cupping therapy is one of the best of many ways that can help you relax, because it is able to give a massage to our deepest tissues.

It relieves from digestive disorders

The cupping therapy is very good for relieving from stress as we said, and with that it is also very beneficial for our digestive system, it supports it and improves its health. It fights against stomach pain acute gastritis, IBS, loss of appetite, gastrointestinal diseases, water retention, etc.

It provides anti-aging effects

Almost every process in our body decreases, as the years go by. And our blood circulation decreases as well. We start to develop fine lines, wrinkles and our muscle tone is slowly becoming lost. As we mentioned before, the cupping therapy improves our blood flow and it supplies our muscles and tissues with a lot of oxygen and nutrients, which helps them with the production process of collagen.

It detoxifies our body

Blood circulation can be decreased, due to toxic build-ups in our body. Many dangerous diseases and health issues can occur due to decreased blood circulation. The cupping therapy is able to eliminate toxins and dead cells from our body, in a natural way.

It induces inflammation, which makes it boost the healing process of injuries

Chronic inflammation often is very detrimental for our body. The cupping therapy can reduce the inflammation, and with that the process of healing of an injury is quicker.

It can improve skin-related conditions

According to the studies, this therapy is able to help us in case of eczema and acne, decrease skin inflammation, lessen herpes breakouts and it can decrease cellulite as well. Also a study has shown that this therapy is even better than antibiotics, for acne treatment.