Author Archives: root_ol5j1132

No Flour Banana Pancakes – Easy And Healthy Fitness Recipe

Pancakes are an extremely delicious meal, that can be combined with different jams, fruits, creams, and nuts. Moreover, if you are trying to lose some weight you can always combine them with something that has fewer calories. Therefore, pancakes are a perfect breakfast or dinner recipe, that everyone loves.

Most homemade pancakes are way healthier than most pancakes served at restaurants. Also, when preparing homemade pancakes you can always determine how healthy you want them to be. The particular recipe does not contain any flour. In fact, the pancakes are very healthy and can provide you with a protein boost after a workout.

Here’s the no flour banana pancakes fitness recipe:


  • 1 banana
  • 2 eggs
  •  Cinnamon


Watch the video below, in order to learn how to prepare our delicious flour-free pancakes.

Purple-Crowned Fairywren, A Stunning Little Chubby Bird That Is Worth Your Attention

The purple-crowned fairywren is a distinctive bird. It wears a violet-purple crown featured with a dark spot at the center. This unique feature makes these little chubby birds conspicuous whenever they are.

Unlike male birds, the females do not have a purple crown on their heads. And their cheeks are brown while these of males are black.

Both sexes have a beautiful blue tail that creates a stunning contrast with their light brown plumage.
The purple-crowned fairywren is a species of bird in the Australasian wren family, Maluridae. It’s native to northern Australia.

They can be found in the riparian habitat with dense vegetation, such as well-developed midstoreys composed of dense shrubs or tall, dense thickets of river grass.

Unlike the related superb fairywren, these birds do not prefer living in urbanized habitats.

Purple-crowned fairywrens are insectivorous. They feed on a wide variety of invertebrates, and sometimes also eat seeds.

These birds are socially monogamous. However, females with related males as partners will mate with other individuals.

During the breeding season, female birds build their dome-shaped nest. They then lay 2-3 eggs in the nest and incubate them.

Currently, the Purple-crowned fairywren is listed as endangered due to livestock grazing, fires, and invasive species.

To preserve and expand their population, the Australian government and conservation groups have had active conservation interventions.

If you love these birds and want to raise awareness of the public of this bird species, just share this post with family and friends. They are so cute, right?

H/T: Kdn24news

It Protects From Cancer, Stroke And Heart Attack And Improves Digestion

Sauerkraut is a superb vegetable that contains many nutrients important for your health and well being. In fact, sour cabbage is originally invented as a way to preserve the cabbage. The finely cut raw cabbage is particularly nutritious because it undergoes fermentation by various lactic acid bacteria, which then contributes to optimal health. Therefore, you should try it and regularly incorporate it into your diet.

You should keep in mind that sauerkraut can be high in sodium, therefore you need to watch your salt intake. On the other hand, sauerkraut is extremely rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Additionally, the probiotics of sauerkraut can help your body absorb nutrients more easily.

Here are some critical health benefits of sour cabbage:

  • Natural probiotic

The most important benefits of sauerkraut are its probiotic prowess. The process of fermenting involves a great number of bacteria, which then have great effects on the digestive organs. Sauerkraut also promotes healthy gut flora and may increase the absorption of mood-regulating minerals.

  • Rich in vitamin C

In addition to being a source of probiotics, sauerkraut is also abundant in vitamin C. That’s why sailors consume it amid long curses in order to prevent of scurvy and protect their health.

  • Strengthens the bones

Sauerkraut contains vitamin K2, a nutrient that prevents osteoporosis and promotes the health of your bones. In fact, many studies have shown that vitamin K2 may benefit bone health.

  • Promotes heart health

Since raw cabbage is abundant in fiber it contributes to healthy digestion, and thus, promotes heart and brain health. In fact, it may be useful in lowering cholesterol levels, reducing high blood pressure, and lowering the risk of heart disease.

  • Prevents cancer

Sauerkraut contains isothiocyanate which can be extremely beneficial in reducing the risk of certain cancers. Moreover, it also includes glucosinolate which operates the human’s natural antioxidant enzymes, and flavonoids prevent the damage and narrowing of arteries.

“Sacred White Raven” Cared For On Vancouver Island After Being Found Malnourished And Injured

This summer is an unforgettable time for the staff at North Island Wildlife Recovery Centre on Vancouver Island, Canada as they have the chance to host a really special guest: a juvenile bird that has been dubbed the “sacred white raven”. The little critter was found on the ground in the Oceanside area in May and was brought to the center by a kind citizen.

Image source: North Island Wildlife Recovery Centre

It’s such a pity that the poor raven was in really bad shape back then. It was malnourished, injured, and unsurprisingly unable to fly.

According to one of its direct caregivers – animal care technician Derek Downes, this bird isn’t a true albino. It has a little melanin so it’s a leucistic raven instead.

Image source: North Island Wildlife Recovery Centre

However, the lack of melanin still seriously affects leucistic birds’ health, especially their immune systems. They normally don’t last long in the wild.

“They’re an extremely rare mutation, well-documented in this part of the world, specifically the (Parksville Qualicum Beach) area, which is why they have been dubbed the sacred white raven,” Downes said. “They typically don’t do very well. They have compromised immune systems, so we’re really, really trying very hard with this one. We’ve learned in the past of what we can do to help it and we’re hoping with this one we’re going to have some success.”

Image source: North Island Wildlife Recovery Centre

According to Downes, his team is currently force-feeding the bird since it refuses to feed on its own. They give it plenty of antibiotics as well as needed supplements and vitamins in hope of boosting its immune system, helping the sick bird to thrive.

It’s also the first time Downes takes care of a raven and he personally thinks of this experience as “a really magical thing”. Thankfully, the lucky bird is recovering quite well under the care of Downes and his coworkers.

Image source: North Island Wildlife Recovery Centre

“The raven is progressing quite well,” he said. “It has finished its second course of antibiotics and responded fantastic to them. All the infections have cleared up at this time.”

It’s a slow process, but they still hope the white raven will be strong enough to come back to its natural habitat soon.

Please share this exciting news with your loved ones!

H/T: Parksville Qualicum Beach News 

Ginger Juice – Amazing Drink That Helps You Remove Belly Fat And Boost Immunity

Numerous studies have suggested that consuming ginger can be extremely helpful for losing extra weight in a very short time. In fact, ginger is more effective than any other diet or weight loss supplement offered on the market, which is loaded with harmful chemicals.

The ginger also fights infections and boosts the immune system, since it’s abundant with minerals and nutritional components that provide numerous health benefits. In addition, experts believe that the best way to reap the amazing benefits of ginger is by drinking ginger juice.

Moreover, ginger is known as one of the healthiest foods on the planet, due to the high content of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients. Therefore, its juice treats numerous common diseases and strengthens the overall health.

Here are the amazing health benefits of ginger juice:

  • Treats and prevents nausea
  • Prevents the blood from clotting
  • Relieves joint and muscle pain and prevents arthritis
  • Enhances digestion
  • Stimulates the blood flow
  • Normalizes the levels of blood sugar
  • Treats coughs and migraines
  • Inhibits cancer growth
  • Relieves menstrual cramping and PMS symptoms
  • Regulates the levels of bad cholesterol
  • Cleanses the body
  • Boosts overall health
  • Relieve flatulence, diarrhea, and constipation
  • Treats hemorrhoids

Here’s how to prepare the ginger juice that remove belly fat and boost immunity:


  • 5cm root ginger
  • 1.5 liters water


In order to prepare the juice, you should chop the ginger first. Then, add it to 1.5 liters of boiling water. Boil until the ginger becomes soft. Strain the mixture using a cheesecloth and leave the juice to cool down at room temperature.

It is recommended to consume this juice on a daily basis. For best results, it’s crucial to drink it daily for 6 months. In addition, this ginger juice is one of the best natural remedies for burning belly fat. Plus, you will be surprised by the way it works.

Adorable Moment Bear Cubs Hold Hands As Their Mom Goes Hunting For Dinner

While for most of the people wildlife is nothing but ferocious and threatening, it frequently offers some incredibly tender sightings. And this pair of bear cubs holding hands is definitely a sight to behold. Fortunately, Lewis Kemper – a wildlife photographer was at the right place the right time to capture on camera some incredible snaps.

The 62-year-old California-based photographer was in Lake Clark National Park when spotted the adorable scene. Two cubs were holding their hands while watching the mama bear trying to get the supper. “I was leading a photography tour around Lake Clark in Alaska, earlier this month, when I spotted a female and her two cubs waiting for her to come back with something to eat,” Lewis said. “I was standing about 20 feet away from the two cubs – bears in the area are used to human presence and do not mind us.”

Despite they were impatiently waiting for some fish at the dinner, their mom came back empty handed. “The two bears held hands for around 20 seconds,” the photographer said. “They hoped their mother would bring them some dinner but unfortunately, she came back fishless.” According to wildlife experts, bears have a 10% hunting success rate.

Even tough most of the bears love to eat fishes, their diet is mostly based on plants. “Although bears love their fish, most of them are omnivores and mainly eat plants and of course, a lot of grass,” Lewis added.

However, the two cubs are not the only wildlife captured on camera while gently holding ‘hands.’ A few years ago, a couple spotted two penguins holding flippers on a South African beach. The lovely encounter quickly went viral on social media, back then, winning the hearts of millions. Take a look!

Source: Majesticanimals

Prepare Ginger in This Ancient Way – Prevent Cancer, Treat Arthritis, Reduce Cholesterol And Lower Blood Sugar Levels

This root is a very utilized culinary zest and a specific medicinal herb that is proven to help with numerous diseases. In addition, ginger has been used by almost every civilization for thousands of years ago. The herb was known as powerful health promotes as well as a characteristic type of drug.

Numerous studies have shown that ginger is able to help people who suffer from arthritis or chronic pain. In fact, participants who ingested 2 grams of ginger experience relaxing effects on sore muscles and aching back.

In addition, this root is perfect for treating conditions as irritable bowel movement, loss of appetite, heartburn, colds, vomiting, bloating, nausea, flu, poor blood circulation, menstrual cramps, indigestion, and gastrointestinal problems such as stomach cramps or gas.

Here’s how to prepare ginger in this ancient way:


  • 200 grams of ginger
  • 50 ml of lemon juice
  • 1/2 a cup of sparkling water
  • 50 grams raw and organic honey
  • 450 ml of filtrated water


At first, you should boil the filtrated water, add the ginger and let the mixture simmer on low heat for 5 more minutes. Then remove it from the heat and leave it aside so that it cools down. In a separate bowl, add a cup of ginger water and 1/2 a cup of sparkling water. Add lime juice and organic honey to sweeten the mixture. Once the tea is well mixed, your drink is ready. Enjoy!

Consume this way, it can help you with arthritis, cancer, cholesterol and many other health benefits.

Seal Couldn’t Be Happier To See His Mini Self Toy Version And Hugs It Tightly

Seals are cute semiaquatic mammals. I have seen a lot of adorable photos of these creatures on social media. A lovely baby seal waving at the photographer. A cheerful juvenile seal winking at the camera. A well-mannered adult seal waddling around a fish market to asking for his snacks. These images can always bring Internet users a much-needed smile and laugh during these uncertain days. Who can resist the born cuteness?

And, the following pictures will also melt your heart. A seal couldn’t be happier to receive a toy version of itself. He can’t stop hugging his toy, showing that he loves it so much. This is probably the most wonderful thing that he has got so far.

The adorable expression of the seal reminds us of how happy we are when given a favorite gift. A surprise that softens the toughest parts of our hearts. Happiness is sometimes simple like that.

The marine animal is living at Mombetsu Land, an attraction in Japan’s Hokkaido district. His mini toy version is a special present from the zoo staff for the good boy.

As it turns out, marine mammals also love toys as almost all kids do. They consider them their friends and can’t stop bringing it everywhere with them.

If you are looking for vitamins for your dull Friday, just give these photos a look. Cute expressions, true feelings, and an adorable seal. It’s cuteness overload.

H/T: Bored Panda

Healthy Ice Cream From Three Ingredients, Prepared in 5 Minutes

Delicious ice cream is all you need in the summer, plus when it’s homemade and a healthy one it means it will be extremely beneficial for your body. For example, this 3 ingredient ice cream recipe takes just 5 minutes to prepare and is one of the healthiest and creamiest ever.

In fact, not every ice cream needs to be filled with sugar and high-calorie amount. Therefore, with this healthy recipe you can have one spoon after another, and so on.

Here’s how to make a healthy ice cream from three ingredients:


  • ½ cup of coconut milk
  • 1 & ½ cups of fruit or vegetable juice
  • 5 tbsps of corn starch or tapioca starch


At first, take 1/2 of the coconut milk and stir it with the starch, mix thoroughly until it becomes nice and smooth. Then, leave it aside and heat up the remaining milk in a small saucepan on low heat until it begins to bubble.

Now, take the previously prepared mixture and pour it into the warm coconut milk and leave it to bubble a bit. Continue stirring until the mixture becomes thicker then, take it out of the pan and add it to a heatproof bowl.

Lastly, add the vegetable juice of your choice. Also, you can add chopped fruits like cherry, strawberry, and banana, if you have fun experimenting. Chill the mixture and your healthy and delicious ice cream is ready in no time.

Health benefits:

Coconut provides positive health benefits since it’s full of antioxidants with lots of healthy nutrients. Additionally, coconut milk promotes the production of ketones, which provide alternative energy supplies for the brain. Thus, makes people get a burst of energy and feel good momentarily, without raising their blood sugar levels.

On top of that, you can also get high doses of other health benefits just by adding fruits that are rich in vitamins and minerals, yet low in calories.

After 6 Years Of Waiting, Old Pelican Couple Couldn’t Be Happier To See Their Newborn Chick

As parents, nothing is happier than seeing their baby come into this world healthily. If you have been waiting for the arrival of your baby for a long time, the happiness will double up. You burst into tears with happiness and thankfulness. That moment fills empty parts of your soul, and surely, you will never forget it.

Image Credits: Twinnies Pelican and Seabird Rescue

This can also be seen in animals, guys. An old pelican couple couldn’t be happier to see their egg hatch. Their precious chick finally comes after 6 years of waiting.

Mr. Percival (name of the male pelican) was rescued by the Twinnies Pelican and Seabird Rescue in Australia. They spotted him on Chambers Island in Maroochydore, Queensland 18 years ago.

Image Credits: Twinnies Pelican and Seabird Rescue

The poor little pelican got trapped in fishing lines and hook, causing bad injuries on his wings. He ended up losing his wings but luckily, he grew up in love and care of the staff and volunteers at the sanctuary which got a permit to keep him.

The gentle pelican has lived at the sanctuary since then. He met his beloved partner and they have desired to have a baby.

Image Credits: Twinnies Pelican and Seabird Rescue

For six years, the couple has spent time nesting and caring for their eggs. However, luck didn’t smile upon them because none of the eggs hatched. They were upset but they didn’t give up on it.

The staff at the sanctuary saw this and decided to do an amazing thing for the pelicans. They placed a fellow pelican’s egg in their nest. And, after years of persistent waiting, the pair was finally gifted a perfect little baby chick.

Image Credits: Twinnies Pelican and Seabird Rescue

That moment was extremely special and magical. The new dad and mom couldn’t hide their excitement. They got their own baby.

“Mr. Percival has never given up trying to have a baby pelican chick. He sits on his eggs with his partner that shares the incubation and the eggs have never hatched. He has been doing this for 6 years now and we felt so sorry for him as it’s so sad when he sees the others around him seeing baby pelicans,” reads the post on the Twinnies Pelican and Seabird Rescue Facebook page.

Image Credits: Twinnies Pelican and Seabird Rescue

Mr. Percival proves to be a patient and responsible dad. He feeds the chick more often than his partner does. Both love spending time sitting on their baby. The family will have a lot of memorable experiences together.

“He made us cry! As you can tell, he and his partner are in love with their newborn pelican chick. Glad he will feel like the others that are surrounded around him with their pelican chicks,” the carers share their excitement.

Image Credits: Twinnies Pelican and Seabird Rescue

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H/T: Boredpanda