Monthly Archives: July 2021

This Pink-Headed Warbler Is Such A Sweet Little Bird

When it comes to colors, each of them is unique. But it seems that pink steals our eye sometimes. People think that pink is a female color and it’s true that it has garnered something of a feminine reputation over the years, but people have been wearing pink across all walks of life for a very long time.

In nature, where plants and animals can manifest the sorts of pinky shades I really gravitate towards. Like the pinks found in the feathers of the lovely pink-headed warblers of Guatemala and a small portion of Mexico. In bright daylight, they reveal their rich, cool pinks that often lean towards purple.

The spritely Pink-headed Warbler is a visual treat: Adult birds seen in good light are an eye-catching red, with a silvery-pink head and chest. In Spanish, this species is called cabeza plateada, “silvery head,” or chipe rosado, “rose-colored warbler.” The species name, versicolor, is Latin for “changeable or various colors” and refers to the warbler’s head plumage. Depending on lighting, the color appears either frosty pink or a deeper red than the rest of its body. This species is related to the equally lovely Red-faced Warbler (Cardellina rubrifrons), but has a more restricted range.

Pink-headed Warbler (Cardellina Versicolor) is only found in the highlands of Guatemala and the neighboring Mexican state of Chiapas. It’s considered Vulnerable to extinction by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) due to ongoing habitat loss. Volcanic eruptions, which coat vegetation with thick ash and impact insect populations, may also have caused declines in Pink-headed Warbler numbers.

High-altitude Warbler: Pink-headed Warbler is considered rare in southern Mexico. It is more frequently seen in Guatemala, especially in high-altitude pine-oak forests and evergreen cloud forests. These forests also provide winter habitat for migratory species such as Golden-cheeked Warbler and year-round habitat for at-risk highland birds such as Highland Guan and Resplendent Quetzal.

At Home with Visiting Warblers: Like North American migrants such as American Redstart and Bay-breasted Warbler, the Pink-headed Warbler is an insect-eater, gleaning its food from dense understory vegetation and making aerial sallies to snag prey. It usually forages close to the ground, except during the breeding season, when the male may hunt near the tops of trees from which it sings, as high as 50 feet. Pink-headed Warblers are non-migratory and territorial. Males maintain their territories throughout the year. Mated males and females, which look alike, usually remain together year-round. Outside of the breeding season, they may join mixed flocks with other resident bird species and “visiting” warblers, including Blackburnian Warbler and Magnolia Warbler.

A Species that Sits Tight: Female Pink-headed Warblers build their nests globe-shaped structures of pine needles on the ground, often on a steep bank. They take precautions to prevent potential predators from finding the nests by collecting pine needles away from the building site. Once the nest exterior is completed, the birds line it with fibrous materials and moss, creating a soft layer for two to four eggs. Unlike many other ground-nesting birds, such as Vesper Sparrow and Piping Plover, the female Pink-headed Warbler has no distraction display to deter predators, probably because she spends more than 70 percent of her time on the nest.

Advances in Warbler Conservation: In 2016, ABC worked with the Guatemalan conservation group FUNDAECO and the World Land Trust to create the Tapon Creek Nature Reserve. This protected area lies along the Caribbean coast and creates a lowland habitat corridor connecting two existing protected areas. It’s an area of high importance for bird conservation: Kentucky Warbler and more than 100 other neotropical migratory birds spend the winter or pass through this region.

FUNDAECO is currently developing a highland Guatemala program that includes conservation of Pink-headed Warbler habitat. And American Bird Conservancy continues to work with FUNDAECO to conserve the Conservation Coast BirdScape, focusing on habitat for migratory birds such as Wood Thrush. Thankfully, there are still tens of thousands of flitting about, but population levels are on the decline due to habitat loss and conservationists are working to stem the problem before it becomes a crisis. 

Prepare it Before The Pharmacists Erase it! 4 Tablespoons of This And You Can Say Goodbye to High Blood Pressure and Clogged Arteries

If you often have an invasion of infections, colds, high blood pressure, or clogged arteries you should definitely learn how to protect your body. Here is a simple three-ingredient, powerful remedy you should try before the pharmacists erase it.

The combination of these ingredients is extremely effective and it’s going to boost overall health tremendously. However, you should remember that the exact same ingredients used individually won’t be much effective.

The following treatment provides amazing improvements in your blood pressure, also it helps to unclog your arteries extremely fast. Moreover, the treatment compared to other medical drugs is completely safe and doesn’t cause any side effects.

Here is the recipe, that improves high blood pressure and clogged arteries:


  • 4 cm / 1.5 inch of ginger root
  • 4 garlic cloves
  • 2 liters / 67.6 oz of filtered water
  • 4 unpeeled lemons


At first, you need to wash the lemons well and cut them in slices. Afterward, you need to clean the garlic cloves and remove the rind from the ginger root. Place all the ingredients in a blender and mix till you get a good homogenous blend.

Put the mixture in a pan and turn the fire on while slowly adding the water. You need to stir it continuously and until it boils. Then you have to remove it from the fire and leave it to chill down.

Once it’s cooled down, you need to strain the mixture and pour the remedy into glass bottles. Lastly, store them in a fridge.


Consume this drink daily 2 hours before a meal, twice a day. Remember to shake the bottle, before use so the ginger doesn’t remain at the bottom of the bottle.

Also, you don’t have to worry about the smell of the garlic as it’s neutralized due to the lemon and ginger. Lastly, enjoy the amazing properties of this homemade remedy!

Meet Blue Cotinga-A Gorgeous Rare Bird With Bright Blue Plumage (7 Photos)

This extraordinarily beautiful bird of humid tropical forests is found only in eastern Panama and parts of Colombia, Venezuela and Ecuador. Laura saw and photographed two males in Darien Province in Panama. The blue cotinga (in Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela and Panama) (Cotinga nattererii), is a species of passeriform bird belonging to the Cotinga genus of the Cotingidae family. It is native to Colombia, northwestern Ecuador, eastern and central Panama, and western Venezuela.

In Venezuela, it is found in the clearings of the tropical forest, near Lake Maracaibo and has also been observed in deposits in the states of Mérida and Táchira. In Colombia, it is found along the entire length of the Pacific coast and the Magdalena river valley. It is rare in the Ecuadorian province of Esmeraldas. In Panama, it is found in the east of the province of Colón and west of that of Panama, near the city of La Chorrera and has often been seen in the clearings of Barro Colorado. This species is considered rare and local in its natural habitat, the canopy and the edges of humid forests up to 1000 m of altitude.

It is 18 to 18.5 cm in length and has a short, black bill. Adult, its shape resembles that of a pigeon. Sexual dimorphism is very pronounced. Most of the male’s plumage is bright blue. It has a black eye ring. The wings are black, with the exception of the small coverts and when flapping, blue edges are seen on the feathers. On the throat and upper part of the chest, it has a purplish black spot. The belly is decorated with a blackish purple stripe.

The female is dark brown on top. It has the white plumage of tiles. A gray eye ring is barely visible. The chest has a sandy background color and the belly is yellowish cinnamon. Most notably on the chest, but also on the belly, the feathers are darker towards the center so that they look like scales. The tail is dark brown.

Generally it is solitary, preferably in the branches of the upper stratum of the forest, but it is possible that several look for food in the same fruit tree. Your flight is quick and easy. Their song is generally not heard, and the flapping of their wings is the only audible indication of their presence. The blue cotinga (Cotinga nattererii) is a species of bird in the family Cotingidae. It is found in Colombia, north-west Ecuador, eastern and central Panama and western Venezuela in tropical moist lowland forests and heavily degraded former forest. In relation to range and population size this species is not considered to be vulnerable.

The blue cotinga is a plump, dove-like bird with a small head. It grows to a length of about 7 inches (18 cm). The male has glossy blue plumage and a black bib with a purple iridescent sheen on the throat and breast. There is a black ring round the eye, and the wings and tail are black with broad blue margins. On the belly there is a circular patch of purple. The female looks quite different; she is dark brown above, each feather having a pale margin which gives the bird a scaly appearance, and the underparts are pale brown with each feather having a buff margin. The turquoise cotinga (Cotinga ridgwayi) is a similar species with which this bird might be confused, but it has a different range.

This species is native to Central America and South America. Its range extends from central Panama southwards to northwestern Ecuador and Venezuela. It occurs on the borders of moist woodland, in the canopy of primary forest and in tall secondary forest. Its altitudinal range is up to about 900 meters (3,000 ft).

The blue cotinga lives high in the canopy. It is mostly a solitary bird, but may sometimes be seen in groups on a fruiting tree; the diet consists of fruit, plucked while hovering briefly. The male often sits in a stationary position on a high perch on an emergent tree, under which conditions his brilliant blue colour may be indiscernible while he is silhouetted against the sky. This bird does not seem to have a song or call, but the male may, while in flight, make a whirring or rattling sound with his wings, perhaps a form of display. C. nattererii has a very wide range and is described as fairly common. For these reasons, the International Union for Conservation of Nature has rated its conservation status as being of «least concern».

The Tea That Cures Strep Throat, Flu And Sinus Infections

Oregano is a culinary and medicinal herb known for its astonishing medicinal properties. Traditionally, people have been using the tea for treating numerous health ailments, while enjoying the amazing taste.

The herb provides an excellent source of antioxidants such as thymol and rosemary acid. Also, the rich phytonutrient content prevents and treat any damage to the cells.

Moreover, oregano is full of omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin E, amongst minerals such as magnesium, zinc, and iron. Additionally, there are some volatile oils inside, providing powerful anti-fungal, anti-malaria, carminative, and diuretic properties.

Due to its amazing antiseptic qualities, oregano can prevent the growth and multiplication of deadly microorganisms. According to the Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacy, oregano treats sinus problems, sore throat, and many infections.

Additionally, oregano extract can improve cancer indicators, and reduce the growth of colon cancer cells and eventually destroy them.

Due to its potent antiviral properties, oregano can significantly improve your immune system, thus preventing numerous illnesses. Also, drinking oregano tea on daily basis decreases the levels of cholesterol in the body.

Here are some extra health benefits of oregano:

  • Stimulates appetite
  • Treats urinary and constipation issues
  • Heals inflammation
  • Soothes headaches and back pain
  • Eases asthma attacks
  • Fights sinus and ear infections
  • Alleviates colds, flu, and coughs
  • Alleviates heartburn and fatigue
  • Treats nasal congestion
  • Kills the digestive parasites
  • Treats a sore throat
  • Improves the function of the cardiovascular system
  • Assists the optimal body weight
  • Alleviates menstrual pain and cramps

Here’s how to prepare oregano tea, and cure strep throat, flu, and sinus infections:


  • 2 cups of water
  • 1&½ tbsp fresh oregano leaves / 1 tbsp dried oregano
  • 1 tsp orange juice (optional)


If you wish to use fresh leaves you need 2 cups of water and 1&½ tbsp of the leaves. However, if you choose the dried ones, add 2 cups of water and 1 tablespoon of these leaves.

Then, chop the fresh/dried leaves and put them evenly into the 2 cups. Lastly, pour the hot water over them, and let them sit for about 10 minutes. Enjoy!

Take A Look At These Beautiful Vermillion Flycatchers

Vermilion Flycatcher is a fairly small, stocky flycatcher with an upright posture. Fairly flat-headed and barrel-chested, with a slender tail and a broad, straight bill. A Vermillion Flycatcher is a joy to find. You’ll love this little, bright red bird.

These vibrant birds are common in the most southwestern parts of the United States, and widespread throughout Central and South America. This bird is not shy like some other birds, he just proudly sits in the open with his red breast glowing in the sunshine. Flycatchers catch flies, it’s what they eat. His modus operandi is called ‘hawking’ and he’s good at it. His eyesight is much better than ours because it’s difficult to see what he’s catching.

The males are unmistakable with their brilliant red plumage, and even the females have strong washes of color that make them stand out. Females and juveniles are almost all gray and brown, with duller red or orange patches on their bellies and rears. It takes about two weeks for babies to become fledglings and leave the nest. Males have a very showy mating display that includes flight and song. They will rocket as high as fifty feet into the air and sing while puffing out their feathers and fluttering in a dance-like manner. Then they’ll swoop right back down to their perch and wait for the ladies.

Most flycatchers are drab, but the male Vermilion Flycatcher is a brilliant exception. It is usually seen perched fairly low in open areas near water, dipping the tail gently like a phoebe. As if the male’s bright colors were not advertisement enough, he also displays by puffing up his feathers and fluttering high in the air while singing repeatedly. Fairly common in parts of the southwest, the Vermilion Flycatcher is also widespread in Central and South America.

Feeding Behavior: Forages by watching for prey from exposed perch, then sallying out to capture flying insects in the air, also by hovering and dropping to the ground for small insects. If beehives are placed close to favored foraging sites, sometimes consumes many bees. Indigestible parts of insects are coughed up later as pellets.

Eggs: Usually 3, sometimes 2-4. Whitish with bold spots of brown, olive, lavender. Incubation is by the female (the male may rarely take a turn on the nest), 14-15 days. Young: Both parents feed the young. Young fledge in 14-16 days, and male may tend the full-grown young while female begins second nest. 2 broods per year.

Nesting: Male performs flight-song display above territory: fluffing out body and head feathers and rising high in air (up to 50′ or more) in peculiar fluttering flight while singing rapidly and repeatedly, then swooping back down to perch. Nest: Female builds nest in horizontal fork of tree, usually 6-20′ above ground, rarely up to 50′ or more. Nest is a compact cup of twigs, grass, weeds, often held together with spider webs and decorated with lichens. Nest lining is of finer plant materials, hair, and feathers.

Diet And Young: Insects. Diet not known in detail, but apparently feeds entirely on insects, including beetles, flies, wasps, grasshoppers, and many others. Both parents feed the young. Young fledge in 14-16 days, and male may tend the full-grown young while female begins second nest. 2 broods per year.

Are You Short Of Breath? Here Are The 15 Most Powerful Herbs For Your Lungs’ Health

Bacteria and viruses are living organisms known to cause thousands of deaths annually. While, consuming antibiotics is a good way to protect your body, yet they are not as effective as shown in advertisements.

On the other side, there are some amazing natural remedies, which help you prevent such issues without causing any side effects. Moreover, the practice has shown that they are more effective in treating numerous infections and lung damage.

Here are the 15 most powerful herbs for your lungs:

1. Peppermint relaxes the muscles of the respiratory tract, and the high menthol content improves breathing.

2. Sage act as a cure for cough and sore throat. Moreover, it treats sinusitis and lung issue by breathing under its vapors.

3. Thyme treats ance, chest congestion and destroys harmful bacteria and viruses.

4. Eucalyptus improves the health of the respiratory framework, treats congestion, soothes sinus pain, and relieves coughs.

5. Elecampane’s highly beneficial for people who suffer from lung infections. Additionally, this herb is perfect for removing excess fluid.

6. Plantain leaves are great against coughing, irritated lungs, and colds, plus it soothes cough and comfort irritated mucous membranes.

7. Osha supports the wellbeing of the respiratory framework and aids relaxing.

8. Oregano contains powerful compounds that act as natural decongestants which, treat respiratory infections and clear nasal passages.

9. Chaparral cleanses the lungs and prevents irritations due to the numerous antioxidants.

10. Mullein lowers the respiratory tract inflammation, eliminates mucus from the lungs, and detoxifies the bronchial tubes.

11. Licorice soothes a sore throat, softens the mucous membranes, treats bronchial spasms, and prevents the formation of lung cancer cells.

12. Cannabis is a powerful anti-melanoma plant, which reduces the spreading of infections and promotes the body’s natural immune response.

13. Coltsfoot treats coughs, asthma, and bronchitis symptoms.

14. Longworth Improves lung and respiratory health while, managing the disposal of microscopic organisms and infections from the body.

15. Lobelia thins the mucus and breaks up congestion, thus tends to relax the muscles and ease the breathing.

8 Signs You Have A Gluten Intolerance

Gluten is a protein usually found in wheat, barley, and rye. Nowadays intolerance to gluten is quite a common issue. Actually, many health professionals in the medical world fight whether it is healthy or not.

Wheat products, such as bread, pasta, crackers, and cereals, commonly include gluten. Furthermore, here is a list of grains that secretly contain gluten, and grains that are safe to eat because they don’t contain any.

These are the most common grains containing gluten:

  • Wheat
  • Graham flour
  • Rye
  • Contaminated oats
  • Bulgur
  • Barley
  • Couscous
  • Kamut
  • Wheat Germ
  • Spelt
  • Semolina

Most common gluten-free grains:

  • Quinoa
  • Wild rice
  • Buckwheat
  • Millet
  • Uncontaminated, pure oats
  • Amaranth

Secret gluten ingredients:

  • Grain extract
  • Modified Food Starch
  • Dextrin
  • Caramel Color
  • Maltodextrin
  • Natural flavoring

It’s important to learn that all processed and packaged foods can contain gluten, even if the ingredients don’t include wheat, rye or barley. Recently, gluten intolerance has been linked to Celiac disease, a classified autoimmune disorder that can cause damage to the small intestine.

Here are the 8 most common symptoms of gluten intolerance:

  • Tiredness and fatigue

Researchers have found that gluten allergies often lead to exhaustion and fatigue. In fact, the immune system creates a reaction that causes inflammation on the nerves, which drains the body’s energy.

  • Unexpected weight gain

Weight gain is extremely typical in celiac disease. That’s because gluten damages the intestinal lining, therefore it absorbs fewer nutrients than expected.

  • Weak immune system

There are IgA antibodies, and they might have a counter-attack on your immune system due to the allergy itself. These antibodies are mostly found in the saliva and gastrointestinal tract and make a person prone to the flu and colds.

  • Brain fogginess and loss of focus

One of the most surprising symptoms of gluten intolerance. According to an article published in the Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry, it was found that people suffer gluten allergies as a result of antibodies called immunoglobulin. It is believed that this reaction contributes to diminished cognitive performance.

  • Muscle and joint pain

The gluten intolerance can sometimes cause inflammatory effects, such as widespread pain, discomfort, and aches in the joints and muscles.

  • Headaches & Migraines

We all know that migraines can be especially painful headaches sometimes. To point out, studies have shown that 56 percent of gluten intolerant people had chronic headaches or migraines.

  • Dental problems

A recent study has found a relation between gluten sensitivity and “aphthous stomatitis” a condition known to cause mouth ulcers and canker sores.

  • Skin conditions

Gluten Intolerance often causes eczema, psoriasis, and acne as well as redness, rashes, itching, and blistering.

8 Ways To Treat Migraine Headaches Without Medication

Migraines are really serious, intense headaches usually accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and intense sensitivity to light and sound. Migraines can cause nasal congestion and a runny nose, with a kind of feeling as if your head is going to explode.

According to Mayo Clinic, the root of migraines is still mostly unknown, although migraine patients can often recognize their triggers. Your migraine can be anything from hormonal changes, stress or even sudden climate changes.

Over 36 million Americans experience a migraine, or one in four households in the U.S. has someone who suffers from it.

Here are some suggestions on how to treat migraine headaches without medication:

1. Vicks VapoRub

Alison Jacobson, a blogger from Safety Mom, says that when she has a headache, applying Vicks VapoRub to her temples and forehead is so powerful, that eases the pain instantly.

Also, a peppermint essential is of great help, too. Just make sure to apply it directly on the forehead and temples, and the pain will disappear in 30 minutes.

2. Ice and banana peel compress

This might sound a bit wacky until you realize ice wrapped in a banana peel is nothing more than a potassium-rich cold compress. Applying cold compresses on your head and neck relieves the pain of a migraine.

3. Olive oil

A study by the “DAM” in Providence shows that olive oil a fish oil effectively decreases the severity, duration, and frequency of regular migraines in adolescents. Moreover, the omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids found in them, prevent blood clotting.

4. Lavender oil

According to research published in European Neurology just two drops of lavender in a pot of boiling water is enough to soothe your throbbing migraine. In fact, lavender has the ability to boost mood, treat anxiety, lower high blood pressure, and relieve muscle spasms.

5. Flaxseed

Flaxseed is a superfood that ancient Egyptians used to manage migraines, constipation, hot flashes, and breast pain. Flax seeds are rich in fiber and omega-3 essential fatty acids, which promote brain function and lower the risk of heart disease.

6. Honey

The Foundation for Advancement in Cancer Therapy has found that consuming 2 teaspoons of raw honey during mealtimes can prevent migraine attacks. Also, you should take a tablespoon of honey at the first sign of the migraine in order to prevent it, as honey is instantly absorbed in the bloodstream.

7. Peanut butter and ginger

This treatment is suggested by the holistic therapists, which claims it’s the best remedy for migraine issues. Make a paste using peanut butter and grated ginger, and evenly apply it to the temples, thus helps the body receive magnesium and arginine.

8. Neck stretches

Muscle-tension can trigger or escalate a migraine. Stretch for 20 minutes twice a day to stop a headache. Start moving your chin forward, upward and toward your shoulders. You should hold your head in each position for five seconds then rest for five seconds.

Neuroscience Reveals How Gratitude Literally Rewires Your Brain To Be Happier

Being grateful brings positivity in one’s life. in fact, scientists have now proven that gratitude can literally transform your brain. For example, when you say “thank you”, and you really feel it, you’ll be much happier and healthier, according to neuroscientists.

Expressing gratitude actually changes the molecular structure of the brain, thus affects the nervous system and brings positivity and peace.

Improves physical health

Expressing gratitude at higher levels promotes sleep, and also lower levels of anxiety and depression. Moreover, it reduces your inflammation, boosts your mood, lowers your risk of heart failure and “beats” your fatigue.

Gratitude and your brain

A neurological experiment led by researchers at the University of California we’re measuring the brain activity by using magnetic resonance. The participants were given gifts in order to provoke a feeling of gratitude.

The areas of the brain were giving much better motions in the anterior cingulate cortex and medial prefrontal cortex. Thus, led to the conclusion that the emotion of gratitude promotes a positive and supportive approach towards other people and releases stress.

Moreover, gratitude activates the hypothalamus, which impacts on metabolism, distinct behaviors, and stress. Placed at the base of the brain, its main function is to regulate hormones responsible for body temperature, appetite, sleep, emotional response, and other survival functions. Additionally, it affects dopamine a pleasure hormone.

In other words, gratitude gives you a sensation of self-worth and compassion for people around you.

Here are 3 steps on how to become more grateful:

In terms of hardship and stress, it might be really difficult to become grateful. But if you really think about it, we all have reasons to express gratitude. Here are three practical steps you can catch:

  • Keep a journal daily, and write down at least three things that make you feel grateful. Do it before you go to bed.
  • Every morning, while brushing your teeth, think of all the things that make you a good person.
  • Every day, tell your friend or partner the things you appreciate about them.

If You Rub A Freshly Cut Tomato On Your Face For 3 Seconds, Here’s The Incredible Effect

Undoubtedly, the appearance of acne can be frustrating, embarrassing, and even painful at times. The red, inflamed skin can appear to many people regardless of age.

However, this common disease is classified as skin disease and is the result of clogged follicles also glands.

According to the National Institute of Health, acne are not dangerous, but it can leave skin scars. Therefore, you should try the following treatment which is extremely quick and inexpensive. However, it may require more devotion, although the results in the end, are incredible.

Many acne remedies on the market include chemicals that dry out your skin. Apparently, the solution to the problem may be really close, as growing in your vegetable garden.

A freshly cut tomato can help you clear up acne and reduce the presence of acne scars. The use of tomatoes can also provide amazing health benefits for your skin, as they’re abundant in vitamins A, C, E, K, and B6.

How to apply the tomato on your face:

First of all, you can simply cut the tomato in slices and massage the juice into the affected areas. While it’s not the most effective treatment, it serves great for minor breakouts. This method does not require much time, so it’s ideal when you’re in a hurry.

If you have a little bit of extra time, then try the tomato face mask, as this method is far more effective than the previous one. To prepare it, you need to take a tomato and slice an ‘X’ into the top, then put it under warm water for about a minute. Remove the skin, take out the seeds and mash the tomato into a paste.

Apply this paste to your entire face and leave it to act for an hour, and finally rinse it of. Additionally, you can add mashed cucumber or yogurt to the mask in order to handle painful acne.