What Happens When You Don’t Wash Your Sheets

No one loves laundry day. Yet, if you’re thinking you can go more than 7 days without stripping your bed you are terribly wrong. You may not realize it, but lying in sheets full of germs and bacteria could be extremely harmful to your health.

On the other hand, if you are washing the bedsheets regularly, you are probably a person who sticks to a regular schedule discipline. Hence, this choice will keep you away from fungi, bacteria, pollen, also it won’t necessarily make you sick.

Also, you should consider that every week you spend from 49 to 63 hours between your sheets. Thus, producing sweat, dead skin, germs, oil, dirt, also allows for bacterias plenty of time to build-up.

Here are several issues that happen when you don’t wash your sheets:
Dust mites
Tiny organisms nearly invisible to the naked eye, they mainly gather in areas where they don’t get disturbed, such as the bedroom. They can cause allergies, aggravate asthma, and even lead to an eczema flare-up.

Bacteria and viruses
Daily humans shed around 10g of skin cells on their sheets. Plus, the saliva and sweat we leave on the bed make a perfect environment for bacteria and viruses to grow. In fact, pillowcases have over 17.000 times more bacteria than a single toilet seat.

If you notice your skin starting to look more vulnerable, you probably should change your pillowcase. Since bacteria, dead skin cells, and dirt piled on the pillowcase can trigger acne.

Bed bugs
When bed bugs infest, they will leave blood stains on sheets, as they are blood-sucking insects. Therefore, if you wake up with itchy bite marks you should wash the bed sheets with hot water.

Pet Hair
If you love sleeping with your pets, you should be extremely careful. Since their hair makes the bed even more attractive to dust mites.

Here are a few tips on how to properly wash your sheets to stay healthy:

Turn back the bed covers to let the moisture dry for a few minutes
You should wash the covers more often if you are ill, sleep naked, or go to bed without showering
Wash the entire pillows at least twice a year, along with the duvets and other coverings
Change your sheets once a week and wash them with hot water to disinfect them
Vacuum the entire mattress surface a few times a year
Change the sheets often if you sleep with your kids or pets, eat in bed, or sweat a lot

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