Category Archives: Story

Gentle lioness can’t stop hugging the man who rescued her 10 years ago

It’s been 10 years now, but this incredibly fortunate man still gets to wake up every morning and cuddle up to his enormous furry friend: a lioness who was saved by him when she was just a few days old. These two have been together ever since, demonstrating that love is a universal language understood by all, including animals.

Valentin Gruener

Valentin Gruener, a conservationist, recently released a video of his morning encounter with a lioness that he captured and uploaded to YouTube. Because of the touching footage, it’s no surprise that it became viral on the internet.

“Sirga thinks of me as a best friend. She loves to give me a big hug,” Gruener said. “She does rub her head on mine a lot, just like a domestic cat. Sirga has never been aggressive towards me but I have a huge respect for what she is. I am sure she is aware that I am very different.”

Valentin Gruener

The first time Gruener and Sirga met was in 2012, and the circumstances were less than ideal. Gruener discovered the now-mighty lioness just a few days after she was born. She was born in a rehabilitation center, but her mother quickly rejected her, and she was the only one to live. Her first stop was at the Modisa Animals Project, which Gruener co-founded in Botswana for the conservation of wildlife. It was there that they first formed a strong bond of friendship.

Valentin Gruener

“For such a huge cat, Sirga is surprisingly friendly. She usually gives me a big hug when I visit her, “Grueser added. To put it another way, “She has a very friendly and gentle personality for a lion.”

Please share this video with your friends and family.

13 Foods That Will Help Keep Your Arteries Clean And Protect From Heart Attacks

Clogged arteries are one of the biggest causes of cardiovascular diseases and heart failure. Additionally, known as one of the leading causes of death in the world. In fact, coronary artery disease occurs when there’s an excessive accumulation of plaque on the arterial walls. Thus, narrows the arteries over time resulting in impaired blood flow and lack of sufficient oxygen all over the body.

Additionally, coronary artery disease leads to symptoms such as chest pain, tightness, and shortness of breath. Therefore, this disease especially nowadays it’s a life-threatening condition you shouldn’t simply ignore.

Here are a few risk factors you can manage in order to keep your arteries clean:

  • Obesity
  • Smoking
  • High blood pressure
  • A lack of a physical activity
  • High cholesterol levels
  • Insulin resistance and diabetes
  • An unhealthy diet, rich in saturated and trans fats

Here’s how to keep your arteries clean with the help of these 13 foods:

  • Garlic

Garlic helps to reduce inflammation, boosts your body to fight viruses and bacteria, and significantly reduces cholesterol levels.

  • Apples and grapefruit

These fruits are extremely rich in potassium and magnesium, the two vital minerals that promote heart health. Additionally, apples and grapefruits are full of pectin, which helps to lower cholesterol levels.

  • Walnuts

These nuts are overflowing in healthy fats, including omega-3 fatty acids and unsaturated fats. Thus, reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes and promotes cardiovascular health.

  • Turmeric

Curcumin, turmeric’s active compound, regulates blood pressure, reduces inflammation, and prevents the buildup of plaque in the arteries.

  • Red grapes and berries

Berries along with red grapes are abundant in vitamin C and flavonoids. Providing extremely powerful antioxidants that lower oxidative stress, while reducing your risk for a plaque buildup.

  • Oats

Oats are rich in soluble fiber and have the ability to break down the cholesterol that has previously built up in the blood.

  • Tomatoes

Drinking unsalted tomato juice helps to lower high blood pressure and LDL cholesterol levels, due to the high presence of lycopene.

  • Green Tea

Green tea is rich in catechin which aids in improving your metabolism and lowers the risk of clogged arteries.

  • Spinach

This vegetable contains anti-oxidants as well as vitamins A and C. It is also rich in beta-carotene, which supports the creation of nitric oxide, which reduces blood pressure.

  • Olive oil

Olive oil is full of antioxidants such as oleocanthal which are extremely beneficial for your heart.

  • Cantaloupe and kiwi fruit

These fruits are high in potassium, which helps to lower blood pressure and relax the blood vessels.

  • Fish oil

It provides a rich source of omega 3 fatty acids. Therefore, it’s extremely effective in reducing inflammation which is more often the main cause of heart attacks and strokes.

  • Asparagus

Asparagus maintains the balance between good and bad cholesterol and helps in unclogging the arteries.

A rescued kangaroo insists on daily couch cuddles with his father

Most people would gladly spend some time relaxing on their favorite sofa while watching their favorite show on television. The problem comes when it’s your daily routine. That’s how this sluggish kangaroo spends his time, at least. Meet Rufus. The world’s most spoilt joey has arrived.


Rufus’ life, now that he’s four years old, wasn’t always like this. The kangaroo’s journey began at the Patch Kangaroo Sanctuary in Boston, South Australia, when he was rescued at the age of eight months. Fortunately, the sanctuary’s owners, Kym Haywood and her husband Neil, provided him with all the love and support he could have asked for. Both Kym and Neil, the rescuers, and Rufus, the kangaroo they saved, were quite close, so they decided to keep him in their home. The couch has now become his personal fiefdom, and it’s hilarious.


Rufus enjoys curling up with his father on the sofa and snoozing. Nevertheless, both Neil and Kym quickly recognized that the sofa might not be large enough to accommodate everyone. Rufus, on the other hand, would rather have it all for himself and his father at times. Because he requests Neil for belly rubs from time to time, and Neil happily obliges.


“When he started doing it, we thought it was the nicest thing ever and we could see that Rufus was really different to the others and how much he liked the couch and how safe he felt there,” Kym stated. “He drifts into the deepest sleep since he knows he is extremely safe there and doesn’t mind watching a bit of TV, as well.”

Even though there isn’t any more room on the couch for the Haywoods, they aren’t complaining. The most essential thing to them is that Rufus is content and contented!

It’s bedtime for Rufus, and his reaction is priceless!


Animals Are Life

‘We basically just go along with what makes him happy,’ Rufus’ mom added. We’ve noticed that when he’s feeling very irritable, he’ll gently push us away from his seat.


As much as they care for Rufus, these lovely people also care for other animals in need. They currently have 28 rescued kangaroos, two wombats, and two wallaroos in their care at the sanctuary they founded. “I’ve always been an animal lover, and now that I have the refuge, I know what my purpose in life is,” Kym boasted.

Rufus has an Instagram account, so you can keep up with him there.

Thyme Tea Destroys Strep Throat, Flu Virus, And Fights Respiratory Infections

The thyme plant isn’t just another spice that flavors your culinary dishes. It’s also a medicinal herb with powerful medicinal properties that has numerous health benefits. In fact, thyme tea is helpful for a great number of diseases, it helps you cleanse respiratory infections, promote the fight against minor discomforts, and prevent infections.

In other words, thyme is abundant in vitamins A, C, E, and K, as well as minerals like iron, potassium, calcium, and phosphorus. Therefore, its properties stimulate the body’s protection against numerous diseases, such as flu, colds, bronchitis, and sinusitis.

Additionally, this herb offers numerous antifungal and antibacterial properties. So, it’s especially beneficial in destroying strains of bacteria such as E. coli, Salmonella typhimurium, Staphylococcus aureus, and Klebsiella pneumonia.

Here’s how to prepare the thyme tea and protect yourself against flu, viruses, and respiratory infections:

  • Put one teaspoon of dried thyme in a mug and pour boiling water over it. Cover the cup and leave the water to infuse the thyme for 10 minutes. Next, strain the leaves. Then, add a teaspoon of honey and a bit of lemon juice, in order to enhance the taste and boost its nutritional value.

You should drink this tea 2-3 times a day in order, to strengthen your immune system and boost your overall health.

Here are another 10 powerful health benefits of thyme:

1. Reduces Blood Pressure

Thyme tea is extremely beneficial in the treatment of hypertension. Its antioxidants have the ability to prevent cardiovascular diseases, lower cholesterol levels, and maintain healthy blood pressure levels.

2. Food Poisoning

Food poisoning occurs when you swallow food that contains bacteria, parasites, and toxic germs. Therefore, thymol and carvacrol, compounds found in thyme, successfully fight these symptoms and destroys the bacteria causing the infection.

3. Common Cold and Flu

Thyme has powerful antiviral and antibiotic properties which, makes it a potent natural remedy in treating respiratory infections. It naturally treats symptoms of cold, coughing, and acts as a natural expectorant that ejects excess mucus and helps soothe your throat.

4. Anxiety

This herb is very effective at soothing stress and relieving anxiety. All you have to do is to put several drops of thyme essential oil on a tissue and inhale deeply to relieve anxiety and ease the pressure.

5. Strep Throat

Thyme also reduces muscle spasms and prevent coughing, which often causes a sore throat. To soothe the strep infection, drink a mouthful of warm thyme tea and gargle for about 2 minutes.

6. Acne

This healthy herb is also known as an all-natural solution to oily skin and acne breakouts. Just, dip a cotton ball in thyme tea, and place it on the acne. The solution is also quite effective in killing off the Propionibacterium acnes strain, which often leads to pimples, pustules, whiteheads, and acne cysts.

7. Diarrhea

Since thyme tea is pretty effective on food poisoning, it can also prevent diarrhea caused by contaminated food. Additionally, it fights symptoms of colitis and helps relieve a number of digestive and gastrointestinal problems.

8. Bronchitis

Studies have found that drinking thyme tea strengthens your respiratory system. Therefore, thyme is recommended among patients with acute bronchitis in order, to alleviate coughing.

9. Allergies

As said before, thyme improves your respiratory system and prevents disorders, like asthma, allergies, lung infections, and blocked airways as a result of its antispasmodic properties.

10. Yeast and Fungal Infections

The thyme herb has antifungal and antibacterial properties that fight fungal pathogens that can cause tuberculosis and other lung diseases.

Precautions When Using Thyme:

If you are taking blood clotting medications or you are 2 weeks before surgery you should avoid this tasty herb. Since in some individuals it can cause allergies. Also avoid it if you are at risk of hormone-sensitive conditions like breast cancer, ovarian cancer, uterine cancer, or endometriosis.

Otherwise, you can always add thyme to numerous foods in order to enhance their flavoring or drink as a tea on a daily basis.

Photographer Captured A Little Bird Using A Flower Petal As Its Bathtub

Wildlife photographer Rahul Singh has managed to capture an incredible image this time around.

Elephants, deer, jackals, monkeys, and rhinos are just a few of the exotic creatures he’s photographed. Isn’t this adorable? He’s captured this tiny bird bathing in a flower petal!

When he saw this, he was struck speechless.

“I visited a place where there were bushes of these ornamental bananas to take photos of sunbirds sucking nectar from it.”

Instagram: rahulsinghclicks
Instagram: rahulsinghclicks

That’s when I was surprised to see the crimson sunbird enjoying a bath in the water of a banana flower petal. “

The banana flower, which is what you see here, has gathered morning dew on one of its petals and transformed it into a miniature bathtub.

Instagram: rahulsinghclicks
Instagram: rahulsinghclicks

A small bird chose to take full advantage of the petal tub as soon as it noticed it. The petal tub must have been refreshing! After all, the nectar had only recently been consumed.

It was a once-in-a-lifetime experience for Rahul. That was the first time he’d ever seen anything like that. And we hadn’t either!

“I was literally stunned to see this unusual behavior, I kept my camera’s shutter button pressed as the bird took her bath.”

Instagram: rahulsinghclicks
Instagram: rahulsinghclicks

Then, Rahul shared the images on Instagram. It was “a once in a lifetime experience,” stated Rahul. This is truly awe-inspiring how nature can shock us.

5 Exercises That Make You Age Slower

The main factor contributing to sagging skin and wrinkles is actually the standard process of aging. In general, maintaining beautiful skin is a lifelong process. However, there are few things that can be done, in order to slow down the aging process.

In this case, many people prefer beauty products to reduce these imperfections. However, there’s a good chance some of these products aren’t worth your money, while others are too expensive.

Luckily, there are few simple tips you can try in order, to slow down the aging process. Such as, learning to stretch and relax your face muscles to relieve facial tension. Therefore, it’s extremely important to learn these simple techniques and make yourself look younger and healthier.

Here are 5 simple exercises that make you age slower:

  1. Turkey neck tightener

Stretching your neck on a daily basis can prevent the skin from sagging, and help you smooth out any folds. To perform the exercise, simply raise your chin and tilt your head back until the skin under your jaw is tightened. Then, push your lower jaw forward while holding your tongue down and sticking out your lower lip. Hold the position for 30 seconds, and repeat the exercise a few times.

  1. Under-eye lifter

This exercise may remind you of the gym, as it creates resistance similar to weight lifting. Relax and look up with your eyes until you feel slight tension. This might make you feel weird but, don’t worry. Do this simple exercise 3 times for 30 seconds.

  1. Collar bone definer

The collar bone is the area that accentuates the base of your face and neck. Start the exercise slowly with your neck turned on the right side then, push your left shoulder forward about two to three inches, or until the posterior triangle of the neck shows. Repeat to each side 3 times

  1. Upper eye lifter

An eyelid lift can really make you look younger. Therefore, with both hands, place your 3 middle fingers at the lower line of your eyebrows. In order to create resistance, make a frowning expression and push your fingers gently upwards. Repeat 3 times, for 20 seconds. This exercise really helps your eyes age slower.

  1. Cheek apple lifter

if you want to age slower and gain a perfect smile at the same time, you definitely need to try this exercise. To perform it, just pinch the corners of your mouth on both sides, and smile as wide as you can. You’ll feel a resistance that will correct your cheeks and increase your smile. Repeat 5 times, for 15 seconds.

Brave man jumps into ice water to save deer with bucket stuck on its head

When a poor deer was in the most perilous condition, a heroic guy jumped into the frigid water to rescue her life. While swimming in Long Island Sound in New York City with a paint can on her head and losing hope of making it to shore, a good Samaritan stepped in and rescued the day for the animal. On the Internet, the quick-thinking man has been acclaimed as a hero for his heroic rescue.

YouTube/The Dodo

When a Long Island animal rescue facility received a phone call from a concerned citizen, the president of the center, Frankie Floridia, rushed over to see the despairing deer. He quickly recognized that he had to act quickly if he wanted to save the deer.

YouTube/The Dodo

Due to the bucket she had attached to her head, the animal was unable to see anything in the water and was trying to keep her balance. That’s when Frankie realized he only had two choices. As an option, he can either remove the bucket from the water or bring it to shore. Whatever the case, the rescue was anything but simple.

“I noticed her [the deer] swimming around in circles. I removed my boots and entered the water. “It was ice cold, but I knew I needed to move quickly because of the crucial circumstance,” Frankie recounted to THE DODO. “If the bucket had filled with water, it would have held her head down and she would have drowned.”

YouTube/The Dodo

As soon as Frankie jumped into the water, the terrified deer began swimming away from him, making it nearly impossible for him to grab her and bring her to land. Fortunately, a kind stranger on a boat saw him and sped to his aid.

Their efforts to remove the can were minimal as they approached the bewildered animal. In the end, Frankie was able to liberate the animal, but the deer was still swimming in circles, despite Frankie’s being able to see it. So, Frankie came up with a new plan.

YouTube/The Dodo

When the man said he grabbed her, she didn’t seem to believe him. “The deer appeared to be in a really relaxed state of mind. In my palms, I could feel the beat of her heart. “

This is how Frankie got the deer to the coast, and then she got lost in the woods! Thanks to these dedicated individuals, she has been given a second chance. Heroes, thank you!

Here’s where you can see the dramatic rescue:


Animals Are Life

H/T: The DoDo

6 Week At Home Workout Plan For Busy Mothers With No Time For The Gym

Becoming a mother is the greatest blessing ever, however you are no longer the center of your own universe. In fact, now you need to determine the time between childcare, cooking, cleaning, work or going to the gym.

We all know these countless responsibilities require time, lots of time. However, this does not mean that you have to lose your shape and gain fat. In fact, nothing is impossible to those who are determined to have a healthy and strong body in mind.

The following exercises gain muscle, tone your body, and boost weight loss. Plus, no equipment is required, so mothers can do them anywhere and whenever they can.

Here is the weekly home workout plan for busy mothers with no time for the gym:


  • 5 Push-Ups
  • 40 Sit-Ups
  • 15 Lunges
  • 30-second Plank
  • 20 Squats
  • 35 Jumping Jacks
  • 25 Crunches
  • 10 Butt Kicks


  • 35- second Plank
  • 5 Jumping Jacks
  • 30 Lunges
  • 10 Push-Ups
  • 40 Squats
  • 15 Butt Kicks
  • 20 Sit-Ups
  • 25 Crunches


  • 40- second Plank
  • 35 Jumping Jacks
  • 25 Crunches
  • 15 Push-Ups
  • 20 Squats
  • 5 Sit-Ups
  • 30 Butt Kicks
  • 10 Lunges


  • 10 Push-Ups
  • 40- second Plank
  • 35 Sit-Ups
  • 20 Crunches
  • 15 Butt Kicks
  • 25 Squats
  • 30 Jumping Jacks
  • 5 Lunges


  • 25 Jumping Jacks
  • 15- second Plank
  • 5 Push-Ups
  • 40 Crunches
  • 20 Butt Kicks
  • 30 Sit-Ups
  • 10 Lunges
  • 35 Squats

Rest during the weekends.

In addition, make sure to drink plenty of water before and after your workout.

The daily exercises are perfect as they don’t require lots of time. In fact, even as a busy mother you can still increase your self-esteem and achieve your personal goals of fitness and a healthy lifestyle.

While exercise can be a stress-reliever it isn’t always. Remember not to put too much pressure on yourself. In fact, you can always skip a day if your child is ill, or you had a very busy day at work. Your goal should be to exercise on a regular basis, but also take care of yourself and listen to your body.

Also, when you are you are feeling tired, but somehow full of energy, think about how great you will feel after your workout. Once you complete your daily home workout plan, the brain releases feel-good chemicals called endorphins throughout the body. Thus, helps you improve your mood, reduce anxiety, and boost mental health.

Dolphin Brings Gifts From The Bottom Of The Sea To Humans In Exchange For Food

Dolphins are regarded as one of the most intelligent species in the animal kingdom, capable of developing complex relationships and communicating via vocal cues or body language.

Mystique, a humpback dolphin, demonstrates behavior that pushes the intelligence of this aquatic mammal to new heights.

In exchange for food, the cunning and intelligent dolphin sends gifts to humans from the depths of the ocean.

Facebook: Barnacles Café/Dolphin Feeding

Mystique is a 29-year-old male who appears to understand that no one can resist a wonderful present. He generally brings volunteers from the Barnacles Dolphin Center in Tin Can Bay, Queensland (Australia), as well as a variety of ocean-bottom presents. His methods are often effective in getting what he wants, as people are naturally drawn to gifts.

Facebook: Barnacles Café/Dolphin Feeding

Corals, shells, and old bottles are just some of the items brought by the gorgeous Mystique in exchange for sustenance. Although the dolphin is now renowned as a superb treasure hunter, the truth is that all he wants in return is a nice fish.

Facebook: Barnacles Café/Dolphin Feeding

The animal is missing the visitor attention it used to receive following the closure of the Barnacles Dolphin Center due to the COVID-19 quarantine.

Employees at Barnacles Cafe & Dolphin Feeding told Bored Panda:

Mystique is acceptable as long as he maintains an online presence, but it’s clear that he lacks public attention. There has been a great deal of gloating in recent weeks. “

Facebook: Barnacles Café/Dolphin Feeding

Mystique is a very intelligent dolphin who is also quite cunning and constantly on the lookout for new ways to gain attention.

According to center volunteers:

“Anything you bring in will be lavished with praise and attention, as well as a fish to thank.” He is an extremely intelligent and compassionate individual, yet he is also a little naughty.”

The adorable creature is one of seven dolphins in the group, but it is the only one who brings gifts from the sea.

Facebook: Barnacles Café/Dolphin Feeding

This particular behavior is loved by all, and the volunteers hope that the charming dolphin will continue to present gifts even after the swimming center’s doors are opened. They are positive that Mystique’s behavior will not change, and they believe that by meeting more people, he will be able to remember more information.

Facebook: Barnacles Café/Dolphin Feeding

Volunteers in the state capital:

“He offers us various items such as wooden boards, corals, old glass bottles, sea sponges, and pebbles in various shapes and sizes; he had always brought us gifts, but only since the closure has he brought us many gifts every morning.”

Clever Crow Spotted Hitching A Ride On Flying Bald Eagle’s Back

Okay, let’s be straightforward, who wouldn’t want to fly on the back of an eagle anyhow? That concept just sounds so alluring and also plainly this fantastic crow likewise assumes so. The naughty pest was spotted appreciating a free ride on a hairless eagle’s back as well as the amusing point is, that eagle itself did not appear to mind at all.

The good news is, talented California-based professional photographer Phoo Chan took care of to capture that unique moment and also shared it with the whole world.

Clarifying the crow’s unusual habits, biologist Kevin McGowan– that concentrates on crow actions at the Cornell lab of Ornithology– states that it’s really pretty typical for territorial birds like the crow to feel threaten and can also become exceptionally hostile when a huge burglar appears in their all-natural habitats. The factor behind such reaction could be the “Napoleon Facility”– a thought inferiority complex that is commonly credited to individuals of brief stature.

Apparently, the upset crow did prepare for a battle. However, for some reason, it merely had no concept what to do next after landing smoothly on the huge bird.

“This would be type of like a pet chasing after an auto as well as lifting on it,” states McGowan. “Dogs constantly want to catch the cars and truck, however they never ever recognize what they ‘d do if they get it.”

According to McGowan, the bald eagle’s nonchalance is totally easy to understand either. As the largest aggressive birds, eagles are constantly harassed by various other birds as well as they really do not think about it as a big deal. Just like McGowan stress and anxieties, it just feels like they are “being complied with by mosquitoes”.

Chan, however, doesn’t appear to agree that the crow was attempting to harass its “car”.

” Crows are recognized for boldy harassing various other raptors that are much bigger in size when detected in their areas and normally these “burglars” merely pull back without much difficulty,” states the bird and nature photographer. “Nonetheless, in this frame the crow did not seem to bug the bald eagle at such close proximity and also neither did the hairless eagle appear to mind the crow’s presence attacking its personal room.”

“What made it even more bizarre was that the crow even made a brief stop on the back of the eagle as if it was taking a cost-free beautiful trip and also the eagle simply required,” he continues.

Please share these entertaining photos with your loved ones!