Author Archives: root_ol5j1132

Ginger Juice – Amazing Drink That Helps You Remove Belly Fat And Boost Immunity

Numerous studies have suggested that consuming ginger can be extremely helpful for losing extra weight in a very short time. In fact, ginger is more effective than any other diet or weight loss supplement offered on the market, which is loaded with harmful chemicals.

The ginger also fights infections and boosts the immune system, since it’s abundant with minerals and nutritional components that provide numerous health benefits. In addition, experts believe that the best way to reap the amazing benefits of ginger is by drinking ginger juice.

Moreover, ginger is known as one of the healthiest foods on the planet, due to the high content of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients. Therefore, its juice treats numerous common diseases and strengthens the overall health.

Here are the amazing health benefits of ginger juice:

  • Treats and prevents nausea
  • Prevents the blood from clotting
  • Relieves joint and muscle pain and prevents arthritis
  • Enhances digestion
  • Stimulates the blood flow
  • Normalizes the levels of blood sugar
  • Treats coughs and migraines
  • Inhibits cancer growth
  • Relieves menstrual cramping and PMS symptoms
  • Regulates the levels of bad cholesterol
  • Cleanses the body
  • Boosts overall health
  • Relieve flatulence, diarrhea, and constipation
  • Treats hemorrhoids

Here’s how to prepare the ginger juice that remove belly fat and boost immunity:


  • 5cm root ginger
  • 1.5 liters water


In order to prepare the juice, you should chop the ginger first. Then, add it to 1.5 liters of boiling water. Boil until the ginger becomes soft. Strain the mixture using a cheesecloth and leave the juice to cool down at room temperature.

It is recommended to consume this juice on a daily basis. For best results, it’s crucial to drink it daily for 6 months. In addition, this ginger juice is one of the best natural remedies for burning belly fat. Plus, you will be surprised by the way it works.

Incredibly Rare Baby Zebra With Polka Dots Captured On Camera In National Reserve, Kenya

There are many extraordinary animals in the wild. They were born with one-of-its-kind features due to a genetic condition. In other words, they are different from other members of their species, making them easy to be spotted in their community and predators, too. And they will shake our world a little when they appear.

Recently, an incredibly rare baby zebra with polka dots was captured on camera on Maasai Mara National Reserve in Kenya.

You can watch the video of the adorable dotted baby zebra below.

The foal has polka spots instead of white stripes! It doesn’t jump out from fairy books. It does appear in real life.

Rahul Sachdev and Antony Tira, photographers and also tour guides at the park spotted the adorable creature. They were astounded at first but they didn’t miss the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. They took out their camera and snapped beautiful pictures of the rare zebra with its parents.

When they shared these photos on social media, they went viral. People can’t get enough of the cuteness of the dotted colt.

Regarding the polka dots all over its body, they are thought to be the result of melanism, which is the opposite of albinism.

Parmale Lemein, a wildlife specialist from the Matira Bush Camp, shared that it was the first such case of a polka dot zebra at the Mara Reserve.

However, there was some sad news that none of these animals could survive in six months in African parks.

If you want more people to notice this rare and precious dotted zebra, just share the article with your family and friends. They will burst out “aww”. Believe us!

H/T: Kingdomstv

Say Goodbye To Pain in Your Joints, Legs and Spine with this Simple Juice Recipe

This easy juice recipe is all you need in case you experience unpleasant pain in your legs, joints, or spine. Nowadays, many people are including higher amounts of raw, natural food in their diet. In fact, they claim that they experience pain relief along with other health benefits when consuming fresh natural juices. Moreover, the need for taking medications has gone.

Whenever you decide to consume larger amounts of raw foods, you are increasing the amount of anti-inflammation compounds. Also, the abundance of the antioxidants in your bloodstream help reduce inflammation and thus suppresses the pain response.

This simple juice recipe is also perfect for relieving pain in your joints, spine, and legs due to the many healing ingredients. In fact, the consumption of turmeric, ginger, and pineapple enhances the inflammatory response. Thus, helps you improve many conditions such as arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, osteoarthritis, cancer, eczema, sinusitis, rosacea, acne, and psoriasis.

Additionally, turmeric lowers histamine levels in the body, which leads to a reduction of inflammatory processes. On the other hand, ginger has powerful little compounds known as gingerols, zingerones, shogaols, and paradols which have the ability to fight prostaglandins, lipid compounds that trigger pain.

Here is the simple juice recipe that relieves pain in your joints, legs and spine:


  • 1 peeled orange
  • 2 cups of pineapple
  • 1 peeled lemon
  • 2 celery stalks
  • 1 inch of fresh ginger root
  • 2 pears
  • 2 inches of raw, organic turmeric root


Take all of the above ingredients and put them in a juicer. Mix them well and enjoy this healthy drink. Also, you can blend this recipe and enjoy it as a smoothie, you only need to add a little water.

The powerful antioxidant properties from these ingredients will neutralize free radicals that lead to inflammation. Therefore, you will successfully prevent the pain in your joints, legs and spine.

A Stunningly Beautiful Bird With Blue Sapphire Coat And Burning Orange Flanks Is Shining In Nature

Blue sapphires are enchanting. They come in various hues, from pale baby blue to rich royal blue. What will happen if this stunning color covers all over a bird’s feathers? This bird will be a precious flying gem of nature, literally. With one-of-its-kind plumage, this bird can always stand out from a crowd. And we, humans, can never take our eyes off these creatures.

(Image Credits: Instagram/himadri_mondal_wildlife)

The Himalayan Bluetail is among these striking birds. It puts on a beautiful blue sapphire coat with burning orange on the flanks. Its belly and throat, however, are an off-white color. This adorable tiny chubby bird also a short black bill.

(Image Credits: Instagram/avian.elixir)

Let’s watch these stunning creatures below!

Like many other species, the female Himalayan Bluetail is duller than the male. She is covered with brown, along with a white throat, a pale blue rump, and tail. She still has orange flanks but they are paler than males.

(Image Credits: Ramwik / CC BY-SA 4.0)

This bird also comes by the name Himalayan Red-flanked bush-robin or orange-flanked bush-robin. It is a member of the Muscicapidae family and distributes in the mountainous areas of many countries such as Pakistan, India, Burma, Nepal, Thailand, and China.

(Image Credits: Instagram/akbarz_photography)

Thanks to large habitats, the population of this species are now stable. They are considered to be of Least Concern on the ICUN list.

(Image Credits: Instagram/outlooktraveller)

In the Himalayas, this blue bird prefers living in coniferous forests, from 3,000-4,400 m in altitude, moving to lower altitudes during winter.

(Image Credits: JJ Harrison ( / CC BY-SA 3.0)

They feed mainly on insects but sometimes eat berries and seeds if the food is scarce.

(Image Credits: Instagram/discover_shangrila)

During the breeding season, the female builds her nest near the ground. She then lays five eggs in the nest, incubates them, and feeds the hatchlings until fully fledged. The male doesn’t join the female at all.

(Image Credits: Instagram/natanun.k)

If you love this bird, just share it with your family and friends. Nature is amazing!

H/T: One Big Birdcage

How to Get Rid of Toenail Fungus Using Just 3 Simple Home Remedies

Toenail fungus, also known as onychomycosis, can cause a quite unpleasant pain on your toenails or fingernails. This fungus is often caused by moisture trapped in shoes, therefore it usually affects the toenails. The fungus can also be caused by yeast or mold, but it’s still collectively known as nail fungus.

How does a toenail fungus look like:

Generally, a nail fungal infection looks like a simple white or yellow spot on the nail’s tip. As it begins to develop, the nail may start to thicken, get darker in color, become cracked, change shape, or become numb.

In a more severe case of nail fungus, the nail may begin to separate, which can be a bit uncomfortable. Without therapy, toenail fungus can go on forever. Moreover, even if you do treat your nail fungus, the toenail infection can again reoccur.

Here are the 3 natural ways on how to get rid of toenail fungus:

  • Tea Tree/Orange Oil Rub

To make this mixture you will need:

  • A teaspoon of tea tree oil
  • 1/2 a teaspoon of orange oil
  • 1/2 a teaspoon of olive oil or grapeseed oil
  • Cotton balls

Mix all of the ingredients together and soak a cotton ball in the mixture. Then, use it to apply the mixture on to the affected toenail, let it dry naturally.

Alternatively, you can place 4-5 drops of tea tree oil in a bowl of water big enough to soak your feet in. Leave your feet for about 15-20 minutes. You need to perform these treatments in the mornings and in the evenings.

  • Baking soda and vinegar soak

To make this soak you will need:

  • 5 tablespoons of baking soda
  • A cup of vinegar (white or apple cider)
  • Bowl to soak your feet in
  • Water

At first, mix the vinegar with enough water to soak your feet in. Let it soak for 15 minutes, and then pat dry your feet with paper towels. Add the baking soda to the mixture, and place your feet back for an extra 15 minutes.

  • Coconut Oil

For this treatment, you need coconut oil only.

In addition, this will help to soften your feet and hands. Just rub coconut oil onto the affected area and let it absorb and dry naturally. This can help destroy the fungus and keep it from growing back.

Beautiful Grey Horse And Alaskan Malamute Builds A Unique Bond, And They Star In A Snow Photoshoot

Friendship knows no bounds. It comes in all shapes, sizes, and species. A rescued trio of a lion, a tiger, and a bear lives together as a family, a baby elephant befriends an ostrich at the orphanage, a rescued fox considers itself a member of the dog family – these unique bonds win the hearts of us, humans. We do believe that they are one of the cutest and purest things in this world.

Image Credit: Svetlana Pisareva

And, today’s story is about the special relationship of a beautiful grey horse and an Alaskan malamute. The odd friends star in a snow photoshoot of photographer, Svetlana Pisareva, from Saint Petersburg, Russia.

Image Credit: Svetlana Pisareva

Image Credit: Svetlana Pisareva

The photos are awesome! The horse and the husky blend with the snow around them. The pair poses naturally. Looking at their eyes and gestures, you can probably sense the friendship between the two.

Image Credit: Svetlana Pisareva

Image Credit: Svetlana Pisareva

The horse is always gentle and calm to its doggy friend. It even allows the dog to sit on its back when it’s reclining. They are best friends!

Image Credit: Svetlana Pisareva

Image Credit: Svetlana Pisareva

Svetlana captured all these beautiful moments through her lens. She launched a successful winter photoshoot and the horse and the husky had stunning images.

Image Credit: Svetlana Pisareva

If you love these odd friends, just share the article with your family and friends!

H/T: The Mind Circle

17 Things That Happen To Your Body When You Eat Two Ripe Bananas Every Day For 30 Days

Bananas are one of the most popular fruits in the world, extremely healthy and abundant in nutrients and antioxidants. Also, they provide one of the highest amounts of potassium among all foods.

The consumption of two bananas daily supplies the body with a huge dose of antioxidants. Moreover, these nutrient-packed fruits improve health, lower the risk of various diseases, and fight against cancerous cells in the body.

Here’s why you should eat two ripe bananas every day for 30 days:

1. Improve brain function, due to the high potassium levels which keeps you more alert, while magnesium helps to focus.

2. Balance your hormones, because bananas contain a high level of potassium and B6 vitamins.

3. Prevent brain disorders, the high magnesium levels help the conversion of fatty acids into DHA. Thus lowers the risks of neurological disorders such as ADHD and Alzheimer’s disease, plus B-vitamins prevent Parkinson’s disease.

4. Enhance memory, because of high levels of tryptophan, potassium, and magnesium.

5. Improve heart health, since bananas are low sodium foods, and are abundant in potassium, fiber, vitamin C, and B6.

6.  Treat heartburn, as fiber promotes digestion, and potassium decreases the stomach acidity.

7. Improve blood health, since the high iron content will prevent anemia and retain the blood healthy, including the B6 vitamin which aids with the production of white blood cells.

8. Lower blood pressure, the low sodium and high potassium, makes them a great dietary choice.

9. Help you give up smoking, as they are a powerful combination of potassium, magnesium and vitamin B6 it prevents nicotine withdrawal symptoms.

10. Fight depression, containing a high level of tryptophan it converts the serotonin and helps to alleviate symptoms of depression.

11. Cure hangovers, due to high levels of electrolyte it relieves symptoms of a hangover.

12. Treat constipation, because high fiber levels help the normalization of bowel movements.

13. Treat stomach ulcers, hence bananas contain sitoindosides, it prevents and heals ulcers.

14. Strengthen the bones, understanding that these fruits boost the absorption of calcium.

15. Fight illness, bananas provide cell protection against free radicals, thus helps in heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and muscular and tissue degeneration.

16. Energize the body, due to the high fiber levels, and the three natural sugars fructose, glucose, and sucrose.

17. Stimulate weight loss, since bananas are low in calories, but rich in fiber are helping to feel more full and keep cravings at bay.

Sri Lanka Welcomes First Elephant Twins Born In Captivity Since 1941

The last day of August was an extremely happy day for Pinnawala Elephant Orphanage as one of its female elephants, Surangi, successfully gave birth to two adorable calves. Elephant expert Jayantha Jayewardene has claimed that they are the very first twins born to a domesticated elephant in Sri Lanka since 1941, so it’s is absolutely big news for this country as well.

Image source: Pinnawala Elephant Orphanage

Both of the babies are male and according to the orphanage’s head Renuka Bandaranaike, the newborns look a little smaller compared to other elephant calves, but there are definitely healthy.

“Both the calves and the mother are doing fine,” she said. “The babies are relatively small, but they are healthy.”

Let’s take a look at the cute duo in the short clip right here:

It’s not the first time the 25-year-old becomes a mother, but Surangi is still truly excited about her new role. She had her first child 12 years ago and it was also a male calf.

Pinnawala Elephant Orphanage was founded in 1975 and after 26 years of looking after wild elephants in need, it now has the largest herd of captive elephants in the world. Surangi’s 17-year-old partner, Pandu is also one of the 93 inhabitants living under the care of the staff there.

Image source: Twitter, Jamila Husain

Last year, wildlife officials in Sri Lanka also noticed a pair of twin elephants wandering around at the Minneriya sanctuary in North Central province. They were the very first twins that Sri Lankans ever spotted in the wild.

Elephants are considered sacred creatures in this country, but that’s sadly one of the reasons why they are being mistreated. Many wealthy people are illegally keeping them as pets and more and more abuse cases have been recorded in recent years. In addition, activists have claimed that at least 40 elephant calves have been stolen from wildlife parks in the past 15 years.

Thankfully, the government has unveiled tough regulations to protect these friendly, gentle animals.

According to researchers, Sri Lanka is home to about 200 domesticated elephants and an estimated 7,500 in the wild.

Please share this great news with your loved ones!


How To Kill Sinus Infection Within Minutes With Apple Cider Vinegar!

The sinus infection is a simple inflammation of our membrane and tissue, and it is followed by thick mucus that is causing blockages, fevers, headaches and a lot of pain in the facial area.

But there is not need to panic about this, because there are many natural ways to treat the sinusitis, it will destroy all microbes and cleanse your sinuses, therefore relieving from the pain and symptoms. Normally or most commonly the sinusitis lasts for about 3 months, but if the symptoms and the disease is ignored it may last a lot longer than that.

Mostly viruses and bacteria are the ones that are triggering and causing the development of this infection, mostly they are accumulated in the area between your eyes, your forehead and the air space between your cheeks.

Mostly this infection is treated with prescribed medications, but these medications are quite harmful and may cause very unpleasant side-effects and expose you to numerous health risks, therefore people have started to look for a natural way to treat this infection.

One of the best natural remedies you can get is the apple cider vinegar, because it contains huge amounts of malic acid, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants of course. This ingredients is binding to the pathogens in the body and it is able to eliminate them very easily.

The best version of the apple cider vinegar is the organic, unpasteurized, raw and unfiltered one, because that way you will provide the most benefits out of it. You can notice that it is this type because on the bottle’s bottom there should be sediment parts, and these sediment parts are called the “mother”.

You can break up the mucus and cleanse your airways by the oral use of apple cider vinegar, due to its powerful abilities to destroy bacteria and its antibacterial properties. Also it will supply your body with thousands of nutrients and boost your immune system as well.

It is able to alkalize your body because the electrolytes that are contained in it are able to balance your pH levels. You can prevent from microbes and attacks from them, by consuming 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar on daily basis.

Also the capsaicin, which is the active ingredient of the cayenne pepper is able to treat nasal congestion, and it is one of the most effective pain killers.

Try sniffing a little bit of cayenne pepper if you are dealing with a sinus infection, it will cleanse your airways for sure. Or if you cannot do this, then use a Capsinol nasal spray that is rich with capsaicin. Also you can prepare a natural remedy by yourself, simply in a cup of boiled water, add a teaspoon of pepper, and drink it until the relief is experienced.

This spice is able to break up the thick mucus because it is dilating the blood vessels. Therefore you will soothe the facial pain, boost the blood circulation, treat the symptoms of the sinusitis and reduce the inflammation.

How to prepare a natural remedy to treat the sinus infection:


A glass of lukewarm water
Juice from one medium sized lemon
A teaspoon of raw honey
A little bit of cayenne pepper
2 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar

Fill a glass with lukewarm water, then add all of the ingredients inside it and stir well. Drink while the mixture is still warm and not only you can drink it, but you can use it for gargling if you want to boost the process of recovering. The drink should be consumed maximum 2 times on daily basis.

You will feel the effects after the first use, but using it regularly will completely cure you from the sinus infection within days.

It’s Real Life Lion King: Lion Dad Spotted Hugging His Cub Lovingly

Father’s Day is coming and we just can’t wait to share this heartwarming story with you! First aired in 1994, the “Lion King” is undoubtedly one of the most successful Disney works and has always been on the lists of the greatest father and son movies of all times. The masterpiece has won the love of millions of fans all over the world and now after over two decades, we finally get a chance to admire Mufasa and Simba’s touching relationship in real life.

Image credits: Caters News Agency

This amazing lion duo has gone viral after being spotted sharing an affectionate hug at Masai Mara National Reserve, Kenya. The beautiful moment was caught on camera by French photographer Sabine Bernert and immediately captured the hearts of not only Disney fans, but also animal lovers around the world.

Image credits: Caters News Agency

According to the 53-year-old photographer, he was visiting this East African country to document the wildlife there and take several photos for a children’s book. Of course, what he accidentally witnessed was far beyond what he was expecting.

Image credits: Caters News Agency

Bernert woke up really early that day and quickly came across the father lion who was sitting alone on the savanna. His cub showed up not long afterward, pretending to sneak attack the adult lion, but his action did not go unnoticed at all.

Image credits: Caters News Agency

To Bernert’s surprise, as soon as the real-life Mufasa caught a glimpse of his Simba, the very first thing that sweet dad did was holding him in his arms lovingly. Thankfully, the Paris-based photographer was there to share that astonishing moment with the whole world.

Image credits: Caters News Agency

“The lion pretended he hadn’t seen the cubs until the last second. Then they started to play joyfully,” Bernert recalled. “I especially love the moment when the male lion is hugging the cub softly. The contrast between his brute strength and his gentleness, the huge size of his paw very softly holding the little cub.”

Image credits: Caters News Agency

“I was amazed by the way this huge lion was playing so gently with the cubs,” he continued. “They really looked like they were enjoying themselves and have fun. With the delicate light of the sunrise, it was a pure moment of grace.”

Aren’t these two adorable? Please share this delightful story with your loved ones!

H/T: Daily Mail