Category Archives: Healthy

Anti-Inflammatory Juice for Relieving Arthritis Pain and Gout

If you are dealing with arthritis pain and gout, be sure to try the following anti-inflammatory juice to relieve your body as soon as possible. A combination of super potent ingredients that happen to have amazing anti-inflammatory benefits. Though acidic by nature, this drink is a general health booster as well.

Arthritis is a chronic illness that commonly applies to the elderly, but the younger population is not spared. Mostly, it causes symptoms of joint pain, swelling, and stiffness. To help overcome these conditions, and improve your overall health try this amazing drink.

Here are some benefits of the ingredients in this drink:

  • Pineapple – contain high amounts of vitamin C, bromelain and magnesium, all of which promote the muscles, nerves, and digestion.
  • Lime – abundant in vitamin C and also enriched in relevant flavonoids which has the ability to fight against cancer cells in the body.
  • Ginger – has broad anti-inflammatory action, perfect for balancing the digestive tract, also the best herb which improves nutrient absorption.
  • Honey – raw and organic honey is a multi-purpose ingredient, its high viscosity mainly helps to provide a protective barrier to prevent inflammation.

Here is the anti-inflammatory juice recipe for relieving arthritis pain:


  • 1/2 pineapple
  • 1 lime
  • 1/2 inch ginger
  • Stir in 1 tablespoon of honey (pre-heated)


Mix all the ingredients in a blender, just make sure to warm up the honey before. Blend until you get a homogeneous mixture.

To reap all the benefits from this anti-inflammatory juice, drink it immediately after is ready. Otherwise, the pineapple will lose lots of enzymes, then the juice will be less beneficial. Additionally, fresh pineapple juice provides a great source of fiber, vitamin C, and potassium, so you really can’t lose.

Ginger contains anti-oxidant properties that help relieve various inflammatory disorders like osteoarthritis, gout, and rheumatoid arthritis. Moreover, it provides great help with managing the morning stiffness and swelling.

This Is Why You Need To Put Essential Oils On Your Feet Every Night Before Bed

If you love essential oils, you probably have some of them at home. There are many essential oils on the market, each with its own unique smell and potential health benefits.

According to reflexologists, applying essential oils on your feet before bedtime provides a healthy sleep during the night. Moreover, they stimulate the sense of smell and have medicinal effects when absorbed.

In fact, the soles of the feet have 5 skin layers and no hair follicles. Therefore, the pores can quickly absorb the essential oil into the bloodstream. Apparently, its traces can be found throughout the body in less than 20 minutes. The palms and soles are the only body areas without sebaceous glands, which drastically improves the skin’s ability to absorb foreign materials.

Moreover, you have over 72000 nerve endings in your feet, and each one corresponds to a different area of the body. In fact, they have more sensitive nerve endings per square centimeter than any other part of your body. Thus, makes it the ideal place to try out healthy essential oils.

When performing reflexology, the body organs and systems communicate to the body’s feet. For instance, the left foot corresponds to the left side of the body and all of the organs while the right foot corresponds to the right side of the body. Reflexology maintains that the application of essential oils assists in healing the whole body.

Sometimes, essential oils are too concentrated and they should be diluted with a carrier oil, thus avoid swelling and irritations. Some great carrier oils are sweet almond, coconut, and jojoba oils, many suggest a 50/50 mix.

Also, since you’re applying the oil topically and not ingesting it, the active compounds go directly enter the bloodstream, instead of going through the digestive system.

Consult a naturopath about the most beneficial essential oil, in order to treat your health issue and gain most health benefits.

Here are some examples of what essential oils you can put on your feet:

  • Thyme – Heals and deodorizes, great for athlete’s foot
  • Peppermint – Cools, deodorizes, and relieve congestion
  • Lemongrass – Relieves sore joints, also great for sweaty feet
  • Rosemary – Boost mental activity and reduces pain
  • Lavender – Improves sleep quality

Be Healthy And Youthful: Put An Ice Cube At This Point On Your Head

Could you imagine that placing a single ice cube on the back of your head will help cure many illnesses? Also, it is been proven that this certain system improves the flow of energy and will make you look younger and full of energy.

Still, for optimal results, you have to find the exact location of the pressure point. The specific point is located right where your head and neck unite. The technique is also known as Feng Fu, which is common in Chinese acupuncture.


To perform this, lie down on your stomach and place an ice cube directly on the Feng Fu spot. Leave the ice cube there for about 20 minutes, just make sure to secure it, with a scarf or a bandage that it doesn’t fall off.

Perform the treatment 2 times per day, in the morning before you consume anything, and in the evening before going to bed. Don’t worry you can’t catch a cold with this method. Remember to repeat this procedure regularly, while taking a break every 2 to 3 days.

The unusual thing is that at the beginning you may feel cold, but after 30-40 seconds you’ll feel the heat at the point. Also, the first few days you may experience a feeling of euphoria, due to the release of endorphins into the bloodstream.

Benefits of placing an ice cube at this point on your head:

  • Improves sleep
  • Excellent mood and general vitality
  • Proper work of the digestive tract
  • Say goodbye to colds (use to decrease high body temperature)
  • Relieves headaches, toothaches, and pains in the joints

Always apply this treatment when dealing with the following diseases:

  • Respiratory diseases
  • Dysfunctions of the thyroid gland
  • Cardiovascular diseases
  • Acute, gastrointestinal, and sexually transmitted infections
  • Neurological disorders and degenerative alterations in the spine
  • Hypotension, arthritis, and hypertension
  • Cellulite (especially at the beginning)
  • Bronchial asthma
  • Disorders of the menstrual cycle and endocrine infertility
  • Difficulties with gastrointestinal tract, obesity, and malnutrition
  • Psycho-emotional disorders, chronic fatigue, stress, depression, and insomnia

Avoid this treatment if you are pregnant, have a pacemaker, epilepsy or schizophrenia.

Keep in mind that Feng Fu point doesn’t heal every condition, it simply restores the body and provides a strong impulse to life.

Science Explains What Happens To Your Body When You Eat Peanut Butter Every Day

We all love peanut butter, a creamy mixture with a good source of protein. This delicious spread provides a rich source of healthy monounsaturated fats, which has a great impact on our overall health.

Peanut butter is extremely nutritious, it is full of fiber, antioxidants, and potassium. It reduces bad LDL cholesterol levels, as well as high blood pressure, and the risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

A 2015 study found that peanut butter lowers the risk of premature death, and cuts the risk of allergy by 80%.

Here are some interesting facts about peanut butter backed up by new research:

  • Despite their high fat and calorie content. Peanuts provide a great source of energy that helps in boosting the metabolic rate.
  • Peanut butter also controls your appetite, therefore it supports weight loss.
  • It is high in beta-sitosterol, which boosts the production of serotonin in the body.
  • Eating peanut butter during pregnancy may promote immune tolerance in your child.
  • It contains high amounts of vitamins E and K, which detoxify the body, soothe PMS symptoms, protect your eyesight, and promote bone health.
  • It is abundant in magnesium, therefore your muscle and nerve health will improve.
  • Also, it reduces anxiety and helps improve brain function due to the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
  • The abundance of omega-3s helps to reduce inflammation in the body.

However, note that it is important to not combine peanut butter with other high carbohydrate treats. Always consume it in moderate amounts, and combine with good and healthy low-calorie options, like celery and apples.

When choosing peanut butter make sure to get a good, healthy brand. After all, you can always try the following all-natural alternative.

Here is a 5 minute homemade peanut butter recipe:


  • 2 cups dry roasted peanuts
  • 1–2 tablespoons honey or sugar
  • salt (to taste)


Place peanuts in a food processor, turn it on and let it run for 4 – 5 minutes. Process until the peanuts go to a smooth and creamy liquid. Stir in the sugar or honey and the salt, then mix again.

Store in the fridge or at room temperature, preferably in a glass container.

Epsom Salt Bath Pulls Toxins Out of Your Body, Reduces Inflammation, Improves Blood Flow and Stiff Joints

Bath salts have been used in many cultures to treat a variety of health ailments. These salt baths are one of the best ways to relax your body, detoxify the system, and get all the benefits of the magnesium. The following detoxification technique provides outstanding health benefits.

When Epsom salt is added to a hot bath, magnesium and sulfate are broken down and easily absorbed through the skin. Therefore, Epsom salt penetrates into the bloodstream and pulls harmful toxins out of the body through the skin.

Epsom salt baths treatment relieves:

  • Stress
  • Acidity
  • Insomnia
  • Migraines
  • Swollen and tired feet
  • Poor circulation
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Inflammation
  • Insulin sensitivity
  • Complications from sunburn
  • Stiff joints and tight muscles
  • Arthritis pain and swelling
  • Ingrown toenails
  • Soreness from diarrhea
  • Psoriasis

Additionally, magnesium boosts the production of serotonin, which helps to boost your mood and increase energy and stamina. While an evening bath could drastically improve your sleep quality.

Now, here’s how to prepare the Epsom salt bath:


  • 1-2 cups of Epsom salt (proper amount shown below)
  • 1 cup of baking soda (optional)
  • 1/3 cup of apple cider vinegar (optional)
  • 10-20 drops of lavender essential oil (optional)


Fill the bath with warm water and add the suggested amount of Epsom salt. Then, soak in the bath for at least 30 minutes. You can also boost the effects by adding baking soda, essential oils, and apple cider vinegar.

Note: Avoid using soap along with Epsom salt bath.

The addition of lavender oil provides extra relaxation while it nourishes the skin and maintains a healthy-looking glow.

When you add apple cider vinegar, you receive a variety of important health benefits. Also, it has anti-fungal and antimicrobial properties, which is perfect if you’re suffering from a fungal infection.

Baking soda is perfect for soothing sore muscles, treating eczema, and is amazing for cleansing and detoxifying the entire body.

The amount of Epsom salt to use according to your weight:

  • Children under 60 lbs (27 Kg): ½ cup to a standard size bath
  • People between 60-100 lbs (27 kg- 45 kg): 1 cup
  • People between 100-150 lbs (45 kg – 68 kg): 1 & ½ cups
  • People over 150 lbs (68 kg): 2 cups

You should be able to find Epsom salt in most pharmacies and health stores. It’s extremely easy to use, and safe when used properly. Therefore, make sure you try this and enjoy its healing properties!

5 Signs of Nutrient Deficiencies That Are Written All Over Your Face

Vitamin deficiencies are pretty common nowadays and over 1 billion people across the world are deficient in Vitamin D. In fact, even if you eat well, there’s a good chance you’re lacking some important nutrients.

A blood test will often detect vitamin deficiencies. However, there is a better and more effective way to find out if you are deficient in some vitamins.

For instance, your face is one of the best assets that reveal your body’s internal state. There are 5 easy to spot signs of nutrient deficiencies that can easily be found and treated with healthy foods.

Here are the 5 signs of nutrient deficiencies written all over your face:

  1. Pale Complexion

The absence of Vitamin B12 in our body usually makes the face pale. In case your face gets paler every day, check your tongue as well, and if it’s smooth, you are definitely deficient in this vitamin. Other symptoms may include fatigue and memory loss.

Healing Foods: Salmon, red meat, fortified cereal, yogurt, and swiss cheese.

  1. Puffy Eyes

You will probably notice if your eyes are puffy after waking up, that’s a sign of iodine lacking in your body. Other signs include brittle nails, weight gain, and dry skin.

Healing Foods: Cranberries, kelp, strawberries, potatoes, yogurt, and navy beans.

  1. Painful or Bleeding Gum

The lack of Vitamin C results in painful, tender, and bleeding gums. Since this vitamin is crucial for overall health, its deficiency can lead to numerous health ailments. Keep in mind that the human body doesn’t make or store vitamin C, so you need to get plenty from your food every day.

Healing Foods: Strawberries, citrus fruits, berries, mango, cantaloupe, watermelon, kiwi, papaya, and red peppers.

  1. Hair issues

If your hair seems lifeless, dry, brittle, and you have dandruff, your body lacks Vitamin B7. Doses of biotin via vitamin supplements can be helpful for improving hair quality and even the treatment of diabetes.

Healing Foods: Eggs, mushrooms, and cauliflower, almonds, nuts, legumes, and whole grains.

  1. Pale Lips

If your lips are pale, it means your body is low in iron. Make sure to treat this issue as soon as possible as iron deficiency can weaken your immune system.

Healing foods: Red meat, fish, spinach, seafood, beans, dark green leafy vegetables, and peas.

Save Your Heart, Kidneys, and Brain: Clean Your Arteries With These 3 ingredients

In case you didn’t know, the arteries are the fundamental part of the human body and their health is more than important. In fact, the arteries are a type of blood vessels that transport oxygen-packed blood from the heart to the rest of your body parts.

Therefore, if you want to stay healthy and alive, you should maintain the proper function of all body organs. In fact, the best way to prevent cardiovascular diseases, strokes, and heart attacks, is to eliminate processed food, fast foods, and foods packed with fats since they ruin our cardiovascular system’s health.

Here’s how to prepare the 3- ingredient recipe that will cleanse your arteries:


  • 8 cloves of garlic
  • 1 piece of ginger (4-5 cm)
  • 100 oz / 3 liters clean water
  • 8 lemons


At first, wash the lemons and cut them into small pieces. Next, take the ginger and garlic cloves and clean them thoroughly. After that, put all ingredients in a blender and mix well until you get a smooth mixture. Then, transfer the mixture to a pot, add water, and cook until it starts boiling. Once boiled, store the mixture in clean glass bottles.


Make sure to consume this natural remedy every day, 2 hours before meals, on an empty stomach. Apart from its consumption, it is also recommended that you do regular exercises at least 3 times a week.  Undoubtedly, this recipe will help you clean your arteries and get rid of all fat buildup in the blood.