Baby Flamingo Attempts Really Hard To Be A Grownup, Becomes Internet Sensation

The Pittsburg National Aviary is used to having baby birds on the premise, but the newest member of the flock is getting a lot of attention. A baby flamingo has captured the hearts of everyone that has seen him from staff and visitors alike. At only a few weeks old, this little fluffy puff ball is trying to be a big boy flamingo and it isn’t an easy feat. Standing on one leg, trying to dance, and wanting to be an adult flamingo is all this little one wants to do.

Everyone Loves This Flamingo

On a caption at the National Aviary Facebook page a staff member says “National Aviary staff and visitors can’t stop oohing and ahhhingover this little one.” Getting used to its changing body and how everything works is not an easy task, but he is trying so hard. How can you not fall in love with this fluffy flamingo and root him on?


Don’t Grow Up Too Fast

You can check out how he is making out with being a flamingo at the National Aviary Facebook page. Walking on two legs is hard for any bird in the beginning, but he will get the hang of it. Just don’t grow up too fast little one. Adulthood is HARD!

More Info: National Aviary h/t: Bored Panda


baby flamingo


baby flamingo

baby flamingo

flamingo baby


flamingo baby

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